How can make a Blog more Attractive? Use this tips on your blog.

How to create beautiful blog with proper content, your blog is very Useful, blogger content writing techniques and method with genuine content.

How to use blogger in right way

How can You make a Blog Very Useful?

Here is something more interesting for you if blogging is your passion and if you're writing content on a blog. Here, I suggest some tips for making your blog very attractive and more informative. First of all, you need to focus your mind on the exact topic that means what's your blog is talking about. The clarification of content is most important for better performance. 

You need to keep a genuine article and not to do put copy content on your blog. If you will avoid the guidelines so It may be possible it decrease your blog reputation on search engines and wouldn't crawl your site on the internet.  So write like a professional writer, you may write anything on your blog but don't forget its quality and accuracy. 

Learn skills Through the Experience:

I would like to share with you a story of my sister who has been already written content on her blog. She's also did two common mistakes when she was just new on this blogging platform.
  1. First: She had always updated her own blog from time to time, yes which is a good habit to become a successful blogger. But she doesn't try to target her audience, that's mean that she is never trying to mind what type of content her readers like to read.
  2. Second: She always posted long and attractive content to her own blog. Yes it's right, you should have Long content on your blog that targets your audience very easily and it will take a long read time for completion,  that's mean your site impressions will be increased automatically on Google SEO that making your site more reputed. But after all, doing work hard, she was did a common mistake to her blog, she was take content from different sites and only just paste it on her Blog. It did not accept as well as prohibition by the Google Content Policy. Google wouldn't crawl your site on SEO if you also do the same thing on your blog.

That's why my sister did everything best from her own side as she wanted, but she doesn't get success. But after taking some advice from some knowledgeable person then she found her mistake. Now at this time, she is doing a very excellent job and also gets some benefits through blogs. So my valuable advice to you is that you never do these two mistakes in your blog whatever my sister did.

Track Your Audience searching Query:

If your Blog gains traffic from many countries and everyday lot of users query get your resource. Then, You need to manage all your users' data and track which content categories get huge hits and which contents gain low traffic. It helps you to write the future post in that category from where a lot of users come.  sometimes the site traffic depends on your "keywords selection".

Furthermore, you must to do track your audience, "where they coming from, which content got more hits and which type of information your audience likes to prefer", And update your blog from time to time with a fixed routine that increases your site impression in Google SEO. Avoid writing multi Language posts if might be possible. There is some common thing that you must notice when posting content on a blog. To do this Analysis work "Google Analytics" and "Microsoft Clarity" is the best tool for tracking your audience.

How do we achieve our goals? A success story of a billionaire.

A goal is a kind of success that everyone wants to achieve in their own life. Do you know why only a few people achieve their own goals and most of them only think about that...

General Example 1: Until the children get adult they might not have an exact goal for their life. but after moving from teeny to adult age all children must have an own goal for his life. For example, some students decide to go with medical line, few of them have to decide to move on technical or engineering line. that is the first stage and more important stage to every student's life because it decides the future of whole life.

General Example 2: Like an employee have an aim to become a manager of the company where he is working, like a manager have a goal to become CEO of that company. that means everyone has some Goal or Aim in his own life and they are working hard to achieve the goal in any cost. 

Conclusion:  If you seriously want to get success in life so make ready to your mind and set your concentration in a single point. The major problem is there are still a lot of people who aren't sure what they want to do exactly and no way has been thought of to get closer to him. And made the mistake of setting more than one goal. Like a sharp decision-maker has never been done this mistake because his mind knows the goal must be one.   

About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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