Latest Happy New Year Wishes, Albert Einstein life Story.

Happy New Year Latest Year , Albert Einstein life story Quotes, Welcome to COVID-19 Free New year .

Happy New Year Image


New year "2021 " has been coming very soon after few days. I will do pray for god to saved all peoples  from this crisis. We already know that this year we have faced lot of problems and lot of stress,  many of them lost his job, some of them lost his family members and died form the Corona disease.

 Really, during this period, I also face lot of issues/problem in my family and maybe few peoples are there in the world who is not effected from this crisis. But not all people be  rich and Businessman. As a result in this current year, the whole life had been disbalanced and goes out from the correct destination.

 But in next coming year, 2021, the new year will arrive  with  lot of happiness and throw out the whole problem in our life.

I will pray, my this hope be happen successfully, I have always think about those people who are not able to handle this type of situation, may god be save and Secure these people.

my god is my love and my family is my life

                 Mostly every people do love once in a life with someone, when they is transforming from towards childhood to adult

It's a common now in this century, but it is also true only few people get his/her True Love and Eternal Love  apart from informal interaction or enjoyment love. So when I was suffering from this problem like others. I also fallen in this same direction   because I am  human too. so it was common for all at that time. 

 But after feel that moment personally I was realised that it is just a interaction, that was comes naturally when humans transforming towards his adult age from his childhood.

 but there was a common thing that would never be changed in our whole life, that is love, for our family and parents and our God.

 After facing this reality then I gave my complete focus for my family and my God, because my God give me courage to face challenges in my life and gave power to handle any situations, and apart from this, my family give me lot of love. Through this they fill the empty space on my heart. Which is always discouraged by a girl thought in our mind. So you should to control your mind and stable your focus through do some meditation.

So it's my personal experience which I would to share with you, this is that, first focus on your family and respect them. After this, focus on your life's achievements and goals. We all are mature, we have a good sense to understand right things and  to leave the negative things or activities. So use your this capability in right direction and make your life success through choose the correct way that will arrived you on your destination.

A Good Example Of Albert Einstein Life's. 

            God gave us human life, which is more important for us and not anyone easily get such lucky chance. We have got life here after  millions of VAGINA, so fulfill the purpose of your birth by helping other needy people. 

Yes it is true that, no one knows beforehand that what is the purpose of his life.

 But you can think in that way, like, if Albert Einstein would not had done his experiment continuously, again and again. So how did he found his major invention which is still alive today after his death. its means that Albert Einstein did not knew  beforehand about his Life's goals. But his hard-working and his confidence made him and their invention alive, that will never die in any century. His main and most important invention is "Theory of Relativity " to measure the space, time Complexity by the Formula and equation. 

Formula of Relativity --> " E = mc2   "

Moral :

So my main point is that always do some positive work and don't think its result before implement it on your life because always remember a rule of science. Positive Energy or Positive Charge always gives positive response.  It is the rule of the Pure Science that means, if your intention or purpose is good for any kind of work, so do it as soon as possible without any interruption. So in this new year 2021, you will take a good decision, buildup the roadmap and move on that destination for your success and achievements. I will also pray to Jesus Christ to helps the people and save them by this Corona disease, COVID-19.

New Year Thought :

This Coming year, You will get all your goals, God will give you positive energy to makes  your dreams true, help to needy people because it is a very easy way to impress the god and he will open your all block doors.

Merry Christmas image

And as well as today is  Christmas so I wish all of you very very happy Christmas Jesus save us, marry Christmas to all of you.

Happy New Year all of you 2021 ,  keep safe stay at home.

Thank you .....




About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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