Malware? |Types of Virus/How could Malware harm computers?

Definition of Malware, Malware is more harmful to computer System, how malware spoil entire computer system. High Protection through best Antivirus.
Malware Detection Antivirus

Why is computer Virus much Dangerous for our Computer?


Important Definition: 💞💞


Dear Readers, today I will discuss with you about Viruses, how do it harms our data or files and spoil our systems, and stole Crucial data from our computer system. mostly many time viruses attack our system root directory and when it inserts into our system we can't identify it easily. 


Virus attacks may be done in various formats such as Script Attack, HTML code attack, back-end attacks through inserting Virus code into the image, and some kind of downloadable files. 

Viruses are majorly built to access unauthorized data or information on another person's devices. If you have a little bit of knowledge about coding and know how to read coding and decode its syntax, so it may be possible you can build your own Virus. 



Don't be surprised, yes it's true, Virus is the only such type of code that we can write in any type of programming language. Attacker or hackers are using their own professional hacking skills in hacking by which they can write their own scripts and penetrate inside ourself easily in the user Devices such as Android or iPhone, windows machine, etc.


The virus is available in many varieties or types, it is depending upon the Hackers how they are used that. Users such as we all are regularly using data or the internet to gather useful information via the internet for our personal use. 

But many of us do not pay attention to the things on which website we are logging in and who is giving authentication to retrieve and access our private data. 


Like sometimes we did login into some fack websites such as free data giving portal and any types of miscellaneous link or mail attachments. So here I would give you some advice about how do you protect yourself from any kind of attacks and then will discuss how many types of popular Viruses are available now in the world...


Very Common Types of Malware are: 

1. Spyware 

2. Ransomware 

3. Worm 

4. Trojan horse 

5. Adware 

Top Worst and Destructive Cyber Computer Viruses in history.

1. MyDoom Virus:


The MyDoom warms attack was first to come in noticed around Jan 26, 2004. It was spread through the Emails Attachment and Communication Networks frequently. It is a most popular Dangerous Virus was that time, it directly pointed to the victim machine through the backdoor points or ports that are created by MyDoom. It is very hard to find out their exact position on the System. This Virus is created by the Russian Hackers and wrote this Virus coding in C++ Language. The main focus of this type of Virus is to create a BackDoor on the Victim Machine and then attack through the open backdoor. Approximately 15% to 30% of Emails were effective by this Malware.

2. WannaCry Virus:

WannaCry is a North Korean virus made by the Lazarus Group in May 2017 and affected many computers worldwide. Wannacry has design in this way that it makes all the files and data in an encrypted format and restricts the users to access it if they are the owner or not of that particular machine. wannaCry mostly created to targeted the WIndows MAchines because Windows is most popular and used by many organizations and governments as well. 

Wannacry has not targeted any Linux and Macintosh machines because it has difficult to harm those Unix-based machines. Lazarus Group demands money after hacked the system to give access back to the users otherwise it will not possible to decrypted the entire data. it infected approximately more than 0.3 million Systems. 


3. I love you Virus:

4. Klez Virus:

5. SoBig Virus:

6. CodeRed Virus

7. Slammer Virus

8 CryptoLocker Virus

9 Sasser Virus :

10 Zeus / Zeus GameOver:

11lugs Virus :

12Stuxnet Virus :

13 Melissa Virus :

14 NetSky Virus :


15 Nimda Virus:


 The Nimda virus comes in the 1995's and targeted the windows-95 and XP machines. Nimda spread through different ways such as Email attachments, Microsoft Internet Information System (IIS), online websites, open ports networks, or backdoors. the affected machine becomes to slow down and turn off the victim machine all Networks Connectivity then automatically erasing the root files or cache file, and other important files. The production origin of this virus is R.P. China, and the whole code is written in C++ Language.  


How to Avoid Computer Viruses and Protect computers?


 1.McAfee Antivirus :


 McAfee is the widely used antivirus software for protecting our devices from any kind of Malware. You may have seen many times this software preinstalled comes in Android devices with Basic and Pro versions depending on device Quality. It has also provided security to Windows and Mac Devices. It gives good Security at a cheap cost, you can purchase this online on its official website or online shopping platforms. 



2. BitdeFender Antivirus : 

BitDefender is a cloud-based malware detection antivirus software solution. It is totally based on cloud functionality that's why it always needs a good internet connection to provide you better security from Malware. Due to being cloud-based, it provides extra security features such as Virtual Private Network (VPN): for protecting your online activities on the internet, Password Manager: for managing your secret identification and password like, banking authentication, University Login credentials, Scientists system login credentials, etc. Easily block and detect Ransomware and provides "Do Not Track" and cookies blocking functionality. 

3.Intego Antivirus :

Intego is specially created for Mac and iOS Devices, this antivirus provides Security only for Apple machines such as iPad, iPhone, Mac Laptops. Intego Security features are more high-tech, it Detects Malware very smoothly and blocks them before entering on devices. 


4.Norton Antivirus


Norton antivirus is also designed for Windows and Android devices, it provides high-security features to protect any kind of Malwares, it is also supporting Mac and iOS devices. It is a little bit high in price but provides good Security mechanisms, you can purchase this Antivirus from its Official website or any Online Shopping Portal. It provides the full computer Scan feature in the pro version and also provides in base versions but speed could be slow...


5.Kaspersky Antivirus:


Kaspersky is one of the most popular Antivirus software that is spread globally, it is provided the best security features in the free version. It is a Russian-based company, its headquarters in Russia. It also provides high-Security features within paid version with cloud-based security services and high VPN Support. Kaspersky is more reliable in different domains such as Security issues and personalized security checks, Password management, online account management, etc.  


6.Webroot Antivirus:


WebRoot Antivirus provides high Proficiency in web phishing detection and consistently scanning Viruses on the system rapidly. This software is specially designed for Macs Systems. .........

More Information Updated Soon 


About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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