Why is Linux OS much popular in Programmers?

Why Linux operating system more popular rather than windows?. Why every programmer like linux to develop software. Types of Linux Distribution?
Advantage of Linux Operating System

General knowledge about Linux Operating System.


                      As we know Linux operating system is a Unix-based operating system and the whole Linux's code is written in C Language. Linux widely supports command-based Instructions to perform a normal task to very critical operations. Linux Operating System has its Kernel to manage instructions or communication between Linux Machine and End users. Linux Kernel is a very strong not anyone easily decoded or halt its Security instructions, then whether it is a hacker or someone else?.

Well, Linux operating systems were developed by Linus Torvalds and Free Software Foundation (FSF) around the 1990s. During his college time, Linus Torvalds was working on a project, he was coding a program that was similar to Unix Operating System. After finishing his project he gave that project name Linux operating system. Linux is working similarly to Unix with more upgraded features...

Some common Mistakes we make inadvertently while using Linux:-


As we know that Linux is an open-source operating system  we are all able to gather its source code for understanding its concept, kernel Models, and its whole structure from its official site. But it doesn't mean that we can  break its Security and privacy for our personal use like Hackers did for hacking the systems. 

No doubt, Linux is a more secure and reliable Operating System as a comparison to windows, that's why we may have seen and listened many times most of the attacks are made by the hackers in Windows Machine and probably we may have not seen any Linux Machine affected by any kind of Malwares or pointed by the Hackers.  

Because, I again remind you, Linux is a command based highly secure type operating system, attackers need more accurate and exact code braking script to enter into victim Machine. But even after being so secure, sometimes Hackers hacked some Linux machine, do you know how they did that?.

No?, so listen, because of our common mistakes, we give access to Hackers to enter our machines. Sometimes we did our projects on a Linux machine, the project could be your company's, University's, or other fields, that time we need to install some dependencies, framework, IDEs, etc. We are not aware of how these dependencies and frameworks will use our data and give it to other third parties. 

Sometimes few dependencies and software that we have installed on the machine, it may be possible to create open ports and backlinks into your machine. And through that loose point Hackers targeted your system and stole all the Crucial data from your Computer.

How is Linux Operating System different from Windows?

Types of Linux Distribution

The Major and common difference in Linux Environment is the Command-Based functionality that makes it a little complex but more secure. Linux environment available in many varieties, every variety works in different ways that depend on the programmer for which purpose they are used.

 Linux provides an open-source huge community for developers and every person, anyone can contribute his concept & logic to developing and building a more advanced high-security system. Mostly every system developer or programmer has the first priority or choice to use a Linux environment for developing.

For Example, big tycoon companies such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Walmart, Alibaba, etc. are using Linux Operating systems for developing their software and managing data privacy. 


Linux System comes with different preinstall dependencies and packages that highly save the disk spaces where we need to install from outside in windows machines. The major difference that comes on Linux system is its compressed package install functionality that means if you are installing a software package in windows like "Anaconda Navigator" then it will consume more than 1GB estimate space in your disk while if you're installing the same packages into your Linux machines so it will take only 400MB to 550 MB estimates disk space. It is a minor difference, there is a lot of unique features that make Linux more impactful. 

How Many flavors of Linux (Mostly Usable Types of Linux Distribution) :

Ubuntu :


Ubuntu is one of the most popular versions of Linux Distribution, Ubuntu is designed for software development especially, there is a lot of predefined Library support for developments and easily can be installed through community support. Ubuntu comes in GUI but it is limited and most work is done by using the command-line interface.  Developers have the first Choice to use Ubuntu rather than other Linux distribution. 

Recently Linux Community launches the latest version of Ubuntu LTS is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. And latest non LTS release version is Ubuntu 20.10. If you want to go into the data scientists field and are interested to learn to program so Linux-Ubuntu is the Best Choice for you to continue your work with this Linux Framework. Ubuntu Distribution is used worldwide by millions of peoples and support many open sources of software. 


Kali Linux:


Kali Linux is the most popular version of the Linux operating system for hacking and cybersecurity work. Kali is known for her Advance hacking features, it is a Debian-based Linux distribution OS. If we are thinking to work on Data security and cybersecurity domains so Linux kali is one of the best choices because kali provides enhanced features rather than windows...


Kali Linux is specially designed for Forensics and Advance Penetration Testing. It can easily handle critical tasks that may not be possible to other Distribution Machines such as Security Research, Advanced Penetration Testing, Reverse Engineering, Cyber Forensics, etc


Kali is more dangerous if anyone has the whole knowledge about how to fully implement its all features and target any kind of machine. For Example: by using the Kali Machine the kali's user can easily break the Computer Network Connection or forcefully interrupt the whole Server with various kali tools. 


Linux Mint: 


Linux Mint is another Distribution of the Linux Operating System. It is a "community-driven" system, based on Ubuntu Distribution. The most popular edition of Linux Mint is Cinnamon Edition which is more popular than the other flavor of Mint (MATE). 

Linux Mint comes with a very user-friendly interface as a beginner using this Distribution is the best choice because Linux Ubuntu flavor becomes a little bit complex to first-time users. The installation system requirement is almost similar to other Distributions. We can download any of the Linux Flavors by the Linux Download Official Website. 



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About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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