How to enable Google accelerated mobile pages (amp)?

After enable Google accelerated mobile pages (amp) your site gain high page loading speed in Google Search Engine. Read carefully how to enable it..
Google AMP (Accelerator Mobile Page)

Google AMP (Accelerator Mobile Page):

Google AMP (Accelerator Mobile Page) is a kind of page ranking API that makes pages index on mobile devices more efficiently and decreases the load time. It provides Mobile as well as Google SEO-friendly pages. The amp is specially designed for mobile devices which loads the page on a slow internet connection without any interruption.

Google AMP uses API, the main work of that API is to remove the unnecessary and unusable JavaScript code, CSS style sheet, third parties plugin tools to provide a fast page load experience to mobile users. It presents the pages to the users in a simple format without containing unnecessary CSS style and design. AMP doesn't make any changes on desktop sites, usually, it opens as open previously.

It is absolutely right about the google page ranking algorithm that when Google crawls the sites on mobile devices then shows those pages first which have a minimum page load timestamp and SEO error-free. That is why many websites used AMP Technique to give the fast page load content to the user's mobile.

Through the AMP Configuration, you will get more traffic on your website, it is absolutely true, because google surf those pages first to users which easily open in slow internet connection and taking less waiting time to load the content on the users' device.

That is why AMP support website overtakes those websites which take a lot of time to successfully load on mobile devices. And it produces a lot of traffic to AMP-supported websites.

AMP Supported sites showing the Thunder " ⚡ " symbol after the site description on the google search.  which represents that this particular site has used the Google AMP API service for boosting page speed.

Google saves those pages' URL in own cache which opens frequently by the users. if any users want the same content related to some particular topic then Google handover those pages immediately from its cache. To get websites high CPC and impression on Google Search Console it might be a reason to use Google AMP service.    


How do we implement Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Enable on the website?

how to enable Google accelerated mobile pages (amp)

particularly, users have various method to implementing Google AMP on the pages via making some changing to the website theme code. it might be required some coding skills to implementing this changes otherwise the whole website goes down. the whole Documentary for installation and configuration is available on AMP official Site.

The another easiest  method is install the per-design AMP support Template from the internet. there you will get everything complete and setup you just need to install the template to your Website and AMP version of your website will enable. you can search on google  type : "Free AMP Enable Templates" and then select anyone that satisfied your requirement.  

How to Check the Website and Template are AMP supported or not?

There is several way to check any website or template supporting Google AMP version or not. the Simplest and easiest way to perform this test through the Google AMP Test Service. Yes Google is also providing the facility to check the particular website AMP enable or not. Similarly if you are downloading the AMP template from the internet without configure it itself. So make sure that the template is really AMP enable or not via Google AMP Test.   

You can test the  AMP version through the Google Chrome itself by installing the Extension on Google Chrome via search the extension  " Google AMP Test API Extension" on Google Web Store. After installing and enabling the extension it immediately check the current webpage AMP enable or not that is a simplest way but sometimes create some issue, but the Google AMP test Giving the Accurate result.


Obstacle of Using Google AMP API :

If something has some benefits then it may be possible there have some obstacles while using that particular entity somewhere. same here could be predicted in AMP while enabling it into the website.

For example, every site has to be some unique design, a beautiful view with a lot of colors, widgets,  responsive image, and context displaying CSS.

It extracts or hides painful code blocks on mobile devices after Enabling AMP on any particular site which takes a long responding CSS style-sheet, some third parties API that provides your website a different look, and other types of HTML, JavaScript codes that taking time to load into the Browser.

you can now think in such a way if your site reduces its HTML code which is not necessary from a look point of view and it only saves those code which is used only for text printing nothing more than this. Definitely, after this reduction, your site ranks fast on Google Search Engine, and Google surfs those pages to the clients as per demands.

In a simple way, we can understand it as-- AMP reduces the unnecessary code shipment and painful CSS code which consuming more time to surf pages and after then display to the user exact information that they want.   

The another obstacle OF AMP is the Bypassing the google's Advertising Ads:

AMP extracts the unnecessary code and late loading code from the website that will also generate an impact on the Google Advertisement process while loading on the device.

That means the whole page content is displayed to the users but the Google Advertisement Ads is not loaded successfully and user not sees the advertisement on your site that means the users are not able to see the advertisement and they will not click on some particular Ads. It is totally made a bad impact on your earning process because until the users click on those Ads as per their own interest google will not generate any revenue to your wallet or Adsense account.

It is absolutely right that AMP increases the site ranking speed on the Search Engine but it is also true that many websites or blogger owners give the negative review on AMP,  they all almost face the same problem, "got a lot of web traffic but still, revenue highly affected and goes down", because most times the Google Ads are hidden to the users to implement the high Engagement rate.

About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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