Is python language suitable to learn for children?

Python Language is suitable to learn for children because python is more simple than English like syntax.Python version 3.9.x is a recently released..



Why python is a more popular language? 

Is python language suitable to learn for children :

Python is a high-level interpreter language that supports object-oriented language features. Python syntax is more similar to the English language and easy to read and learn. Anyone adult or children can learn the python language. It depends on the user how can they use and which purpose of python syntax. Python has a lot of packages that are used for scientific purposes, analytic purposes, or commercial purposes. There is also a lot of packages which are easy to use by anyone. Anaconda is a more powerful tool or framework that is specially designed for the python language. 

Is python language suitable to learn for children :





Yes, Python is more friendly from its syntax and easy to learn for children, School students can use this language for their school projects and can do some interesting as an extra curriculum activity.

students can learn through game-based learning like creating some name-based patterns, creating a puzzle or simple chessboard game, creating some graphics using python graphics Libraries, and much more. 

Python version 3.9.x is a recently released version and students should learn as much as to get knowledge about this language. python Language interpreter-based language that compiles the code line by line like a C programming Language. By this restriction, python not able to compile the particular code shipment simultaneously so that we can say python is a little slower than pure High-Level Languages such as Java, C++, C#, 


School students now can design beautiful patterns in fact in this modern technology we need to give some extra knowledge to students that almost every education department and modern education system changing so rapidly.


Benefits to learn python programming language:


  •  It easy to learn and type, simplification of syntax is very high.
  • It provides the vast scientific library for high-level Computation, Analysis, and Visualization of data.  
  • Its syntax similar to the English Language words anyone easily to remember and code...
  • Re-usability makes it more usable.
  • It is an interpreted script-based language that makes it different from others.
  • Python is more Reliable, Robust, and Portable.
  • Python is a completely free and open-source Language, Students don't need to purchase anything for it.
  • Technology changes rapidly from time to time, students should develop their skills according to industry demand. That is why python is more popular and highly demand-able by the industries. 
  • Python has a vast supporting Community and help desk, students can put up his problem there and get a lot of solutions from the experts and industries person.
  • There is also many IDE that supports Python language. For Example - As Eclipse IDE highly design for Java Development, similarly "Anaconda Navigator" is specially designed for python development...
  • Python Language does not Require more RAM and Hard disk for its Configuration like other Object-Oriented Language required, students may use it in Dual-Core Processor CPU and above version. 

Python Download  |

Some Minor Projects that School Students could use :


  • Develop Chess Board Game with AI Functionality (For Advance Level) and Without AI Functionality (For Beginner Level).
  • Number Gussing game by using Random module from Python Random Library.
  • Graphic Based Simple Games like Snake eat the food by using python In-build Graphics Library.
  • Text Recognition project and insert spoken Functionality that reads all the PDF in audio format.
  • Most popular Hangman project.
  • Pattern Matching and Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • Exploring some Data Structure Algorithm such as Searing and Sorting.

Top Most Popular IDE for Python Language are:-



Is python language suitable to learn for children :


  • * Pycharm.
  • * Jupyter Notebook.
  • * Netbeans.
  • * Sublime code editor.
  • * Visual Studio.
  • * Eclipse.
  • * Anaconda Navigator ( Inbuild Support IDE such as Jupyter Notebook, Spyder IDE, Visual Studio, Jupyter Lab).



Top Reference book to learn Python Language:  

Python for Unix and Linux System Administration. [Book]

* Python Cookbook. [Book]

*  Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. [Book]

* Think Python. [Book]

* Head First Python. [Book]
* Python Data Science Handbook. [Book]

* Python in a nutshell. [Book]

* Python for Data Analysis: [Book]


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About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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