Current Affairs and General Knowledge May 2021 SSC/UPSC Exam.

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May 14,2021 

  1. What is Black Fungus? " or Mucormycosis Infection"?.

     India black Fungus news was first heard in Rajasthan and then the Mumbai. The Rajasthan state government has declared the disease an epidemic. Lot of cases now comes in hospitals and mostly probably in COVID-19 patients. 
     "Black Fungus or Mucormycosis": The Black Fungus virus or infection affected some peoples in India that are founded after the medical test on Hospitals. Mostly those are affected via this virus who already suffering form the another dangerous deseas such as Diabeties  or having low immunity system by taking the medicines in a long time. Mucormycosis is the sientific name of Black Fungus deases. Few Covid-19 Patitents has been founded positive in Mucormycosis Test. The Major symptoms in the deases is, it immidiately effected the Humans Eyes during the starting phase and after that it effected the humans Brain. The fungal infection is caused by a group of molds called Mucormycetes which is founded in the Wet place.  The scientific name of Black Fungus is Mucormycosis.
  2.  Facebook Sign a Big deal with CleanMax to use renewable Energy: 

    On 15 April, 2021, Facebook signed a new agreement with a local firm Cleanmax to generate the renewable and sustainable energy  up to 32MW through this wind power project based on solar energy. Facebook is one of the big companies which consume the high power resources in fact Facebook using the 1% Energy itself out of worldwide  total  energy consumption . Cleanmax is located in Karnataka and it will manage the whole maintenance of wind project, Facebook will buy the wind eneery that produced by CleanMax to   achieve carbon-free and achieve net-zero emissions.  
  3. Which ministry of India has mandated companies to disclosed  their investment in Cryptocurrency?

    Ans : Ministry of Corporate Affairs : the ministry  of Corporate Affairs in India has announced that all companies must disclose their assets and investments  in terms of cryptocurrency.. the ministry has brought this amendment act in the Companies Act 2013. And this act comes in action from the financial year 2021-2022 exactly in 1st April 2021.  Crypto is a different  type of currency which use blockchain technology that makes you eligible to make a part of markets without showing the actual money what you have in you pocket. All the deals are Handel through the Cryptocurrency prices.
  4.  Indo Tibetan  Border Police (ITBP): 

    ITBP has decided to deploy the retired Combat Dogs as a Therapy Dogs. The therapy dogs are more helpful in medical treatment. it is a first time that will happen in Indian Force. 
  5.  who is a Anil Dharker ( A journalist ):

    Anil Dharker was passed away recently on 26 March, 2021 in Mumbai at the age of 74. He was a News  Reporter. Anil Dharker was the founder and director of the "Mumbai International Literary Festival".
  6. In which of state the "TB free Air for every child" program or initiative is started and by whom in INDIA?

    This Initiative was started by the "Indian Academy of Pediatrics" In Kerala. Under this program, (IAP), will trained 2500 pediatricians in the treatment protocols of tuberculosis. It will ensure that all the child of the state will becomes safe TV free. The IAP was establish in 1963, in Mumbai, With coalescence of two organizations, "Association of Pediatricians of India" and "Indian Pediatric Society". The International Pediatric Association (IPA) is the First Pediatrics Association was formed in Paris in 1910 by a group of European pediatricians. Over the years, the IAP collaboration with WHO and UNICEF to addressing key child health issues.
  8. which of the government scheme or yojna is celebrate its first anniversary ?

    The Pradhan Mantri  Kisan  Samman Nidhi Yojna(PM - KISAN Yojna) celebrate its first anniversary that was first come in action in "February 24,2020".  Under this, (PM - KISAN Yojna), the all farmers will get financial support of Rs.6000 by the Indian Government itself that will initiated to all farmer's Bank Account during in each four months of a year .
  9. which Organization has been awarded through "Green Urja Award" by the Indian Chamber of Commerece (ICC)?

    Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) awarded through "Green Urja Award" by ICC(Indian Chamber of Commerce). The IREDA was founded in 11 March, 1987 and its headquarter in New Delhi. The Award was received by Shri Pradip Kumar Das, Chairman And Managing Director of (IREDA).  
    IREDA managed and financed by the "Ministery of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)". The Whole projects in Inida related to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) managed by the Ministery of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE).
  10. How much the budget recently approved by the "Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs" for "National Technical Textiles Mission"?

    1480 Cr., the "Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs" chaired by the Indian Prime Minister, gave approval for the "National Technical Textiles Mission" with a total outlay of 1480 Crore.  
  11. Recently An Economic survey has organized. so what are a Micro Components of Economic survey? which is also discussed in our parliament.

    the Economic survey divided into two volumes.
    volume 1: produce the documentation based on Economic analysis to authorized informed policy-making.
    Volume 2: Analyzing and reviewing how much recent development takes place in Large sectors of the Economy. This Analysis is done through the statistical chart, table, and data.
    • The major focus of this study is to identify the impacts that might be rising in upcoming years on the Economy and find out the accurate solution and point out the week part where needs more focus.
    • the First Economic Survey was published in Parliament between 1950-1951. but After 1964 it was separated From the Union Budget to make more understanding of the Economic Budget.
  12. Which Ministry or Department has the Authentication to conduct the Economic Survey?

    Economy Survey is a collection of many Pages document that composed by the "Economic Division" under the instruction of the "Chief Economic Adviser of India". and issued by the "Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs". 
  13. which are the five largest OCEANS in the WORLD?

    • The First Largest Ocean is the Pacific Ocean.
    • The second-largest ocean is the Atlantic Ocean.
    • The third-largest ocean is the Indian Ocean.
    • The fourth Largest ocean is the Antarctic Ocean.
    • The Fifth Largest ocean is the Arctic Ocean.
  14. what is the YouTube Play Button Policy for YouTubers?

    YouTube provides a different play button to those YouTubers whose Channel having Subscribers Between 0.1M to 100M.
    • Ist - Silver Play Button (For Channel Subscribers up to 100k or 0.1M )
    • 2nd - Golden Play Button (For Channel Subscribers up to 1000k or 1M )
    • 3rd - Diamond Play Button (For Channel Subscribers up to 10000k or 10M )
    • 4th - Ruby Play Button (For Channel Subscribers up to 50000k or 50M )
    • 5th - Red Diamond Play Button (For Channel Subscribers up to 100000k or 100M ) 



Important :Harold Joseph Laski

British political scientist


About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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