How to write Math equations in Blogger and WordPress site using MathJax

To write mathematical equations in web pages, we have three options: MathML, AscIIMath, and TeX, all of which are supported by MathJax Library, Read..

Write mathematical equations in web pages, Blogger and Wordpress sites:

The MathJax Library enables the writing of mathematical equations in Blogger and Wordpress websites as well as in any online web page. You will learn how to write complicated mathematical and scientific equations or formulas in "HTML" format in this article, which can then be added to static or dynamic website pages on platforms like Blogger, WordPress, Wix, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc.

How to write Math equations in Blogger and WordPress site using MathJax -

With the help of the MathJax Library, it is possible to create sophisticated mathematical equations and formulas that can be simply loaded into the web pages and are supported by HTML5. There are two scripts that must be imported before working on MathJax syntax; these scripts can be added to any specific web page as needed or directly into the "head" portion of the page.

These MathJax Script needs to add first either in 'head' or 'body' section, after that MathJax syntax will work properly.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async src=""> </script>

Note: MathJax script should only be added to specific web pages where formulas and equations are intended to be included. If it is added to the head section of a webpage, it will always be rendered even on pages that do not contain MathJax formulas. This will have an effect on how quickly a webpage loads.

Example 1: Write "Roots of Quadratic Equation" formula in XHTML using MathJax:

'Roots of Quadratic Equation' created by using MathJax Library:

ax2 + bx + c = 0

And, when \(a \ne 0\), the another solution of 'Roots of Quadratic Equation' are:

x = b ± b2 4ac 2 a .

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>
  <math xmlns=""  display="block">
  <mo>+</mo> <mi>b</mi><mi>x</mi>
  <mo>+</mo> <mi>c</mi> <mo>=</mo>

<!-- Output: ax2 + bx + c = 0 -->

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" asyncsrc=""></script>
  <math xmlns="" display="block">

<!-- Output: x = b ± b2 4ac 2 a . -->

This is an Shortcut option to create any equation but it's require proper knowledge of MathJax syntax otherwise it will not work. 
Therefore, I recommended you to go with HTML option, once you understand the basics syntax then you can write every Mathematic Equations

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" asyncsrc=""></script>
When \(a \ne 0\), there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are
\[x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.\]

<!-- Output: When a0,there are two solutions to ax2 + bx + c = 0 and they are x = b ± b2 4ac 2a . -->

Syntax: Write Mathematic equations using ASCIIMathML notation supported by MathJax:

The ASCIIMathML notation provides more flexibility to write the complex equations in english readable form. To active this notation an another script needs to be add into the web page.

		MathJax = {
				loader: {load: ['input/asciimath',  'output/chtml'] }

And creat the whole "Quadratic Equation" by just writing the following syntax along with "back-ticks" ( `    ) symbol:

<p>When `a != 0`, there are two solutions to `ax^2 + bx + c = 0` and they are</p>
<p style="text-align:center">	`x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) . ` </p>

When `a != 0`, there are two solutions to `ax^2 + bx + c = 0` and they are

`x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) . `

Example 2: Write "Roots of Quadratic Equation" using ASCIIMathML notation supported by MathJax:

		MathJax = {
				loader: {load: ['input/asciimath', 'output/chtml']}
	<script src=""></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async src=""> </script>
	<p>When `a != 0`, there are two solutions to `ax^2 + bx + c = 0` and they are</p>
	<p style="text-align:center">
	`x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) .`


When `a != 0`, there are two solutions to `ax^2 + bx + c = 0` and they are

`x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) .`

As you can see, AscIIMath is much more flexible and simple to use when writing complex mathematical equations. Therefore, we will learn how to write equations in AscIIMath and MathML format in greater depth.

Example 3: Write Quotient Rule of Derivatives (Differentiation) formula in MathML and AscIIMath:

`frac{d}{dx}[frac{f(x)}{g(x)}] =(frac{d}{dx}[f(x)].g(x)- f(x). frac{d}{dx}[g(x)] )/[g(x)]^2`

		MathJax = {
				loader: {load: ['input/asciimath', 'output/chtml']}
	<script src=""></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async src=""> </script>
		`frac{d}{dx}[frac{f(x)}{g(x)}]	=(frac{d}{dx}[f(x)].g(x)- f(x). frac{d}{dx}[g(x)] )/[g(x)]^2`

Output: `frac{d}{dx}[frac{f(x)}{g(x)}] =` `(frac{d}{dx}[f(x)].g(x)- f(x). frac{d}{dx}[g(x)] )/[g(x)]^2`

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" asyncsrc=""></script>
<math xmlns="">
 <mstyle displaystyle="true">

Output: `frac{d}{dx}[frac{f(x)}{g(x)}] =(frac{d}{dx}[f(x)].g(x)- f(x). frac{d}{dx}[g(x)] )/[g(x)]^2`

AscIIMath Syntax Table

Operation symbols
Input Type
Tex alt AscIIMath
+ `+`
- `-`
* cdot `*`
** ast `**`
*** star `***`
// `//`
\\ backslash
xx times `xx`
-: div `-:`
|>< ltimes `|><`
><| rtimes `><|`
|><| bowtie `|><|`
@ circ `@`
o+ oplus


ox otimes `ox`
o. odot `o.`
sum `sum`
prod `prod`
^^ wedge `^^`
^^^ bigwedge `^^^`
vv vee `vv`
vvv bigvee `vvv`
nn cap `nn`
nnn bigcap `nnn`
uu cup `uu`
uuu bigcup `uuu`
Miscellaneous symbols
Input Type
TeX alt AscIIMath
2/3 frac{2}{3} `2/3`
2^3 `2^3`
sqrt x `sqrt x`
root(3)(x) `root(3)(x)`
int `int`
oint `oint`
del partial `del`
grad nabla `grad`
+- pm `+-`
O/ emptyset `O/`
oo infty `oo`
aleph `aleph`
:. therefore `:.`
:' because `:'`
|...| |ldots| `|...|`
|cdots| `|cdots|`
vdots `vdots`
ddots `ddots`
|\ | `|\ |`
|quad| `|quad|`
/_ angle `/_`
frown `frown`
/_\ triangle `/_\`
diamond `diamond`
square `square`
|__ lfloor `|__`
__| rfloor `__|`
|~ lceiling `|~`
~| rceiling `~|`
"hi" text(hi) `"hi"`
Relation symbols
Input Type
TeX alt AscIIMath
= `=`
!= ne `!=`
< lt `<`
> gt `>`
<= le `<=`
>= ge `>=`
mlt ll `mlt`
mgt gg `mgt`
-< prec `-<`
-<= preceq `-<=`
>- succ `>-`
>-= succeq `>-=`
in `in`
!in notin `!in`
sub subset `sub`
sup supset `sup`
sube subseteq `sube`
supe supseteq `supe`
-= equiv `-=`
~= cong `~=`
~~ approx `~~`
prop propto `prop`
Logical symbols
Input Type
TeX alt AscIIMath
and `and`
or `or`
not neg `not`
=> implies `=>`
if `if`
<=> iff `<=>`
AA forall `AA`
EE exists `EE`
_|_ bot `_|_`
TT top `TT`
|-- vdash `|--`
|== models `|==`

Complex Solution
Input Type
x^2+y_1+z_12^34 `x^2+y_1+z_12^34`
sin^-1(x) `sin^-1(x)`
d/dxf(x) = lim_(h->0)(f(x+h)-f(x))/h `d/dxf(x) = lim_(h->0)(f(x+h)-f(x))/h`
f(x) = sum_(n=0)^oo (f^((n))(a))/(n!)(x-a)^n `f(x) = sum_(n=0)^oo (f^((n))(a))/(n!)(x-a)^n`
int_0^1f(x)dx `int_0^1f(x)dx`
[[a,b],[c,d]]((n),(k)) `[[a,b],[c,d]]((n),(k))`
x/x = {(1,if x!=0),(text{undefined},if x=0):} `x/x = {(1,if x!=0),(text{undefined},if x=0):}`
(a/b)/(c/d) `(a/b)/(c/d)`
sqrt sqrt root3x `sqrt sqrt root3x`
a/b/c/d `a/b/c/d`
<< a,b >> and {:(x,y),(u,v):} `<< a,b >> and {:(x,y),(u,v):}`
(a,b]={x in RR | a < x <= b} `(a,b]={x in RR | a < x <= b}`
hat(ab) bar(xy) ulA vec v dotx ddot y `hat(ab) bar(xy) ulA vec v dotx ddot y`
{::}_(\ 92)^238U `{::}_(\ 92)^238U`
\stackrel"def"= or \stackrel{\Delta}{=}" "("or ":=) `\stackrel"def"= or \stackrel{\Delta}{=}" "("or ":=)`
|== `|==`
Grouping brackets
Input Type
TeX alt AscIIMath
( `(`
) `)`
[ `[`
] `]`
{ `{`
} `}`
(: langle `(:`
:) rangle `:)`
<< `<<`
>> `>>`
{: x ) `{: x )`
( x :} `( x :}`
abs(x) `abs(x)`
floor(x) `floor(x)`
ceil(x) `ceil(x)`
norm(vecx) `norm(vecx)`
Input Type
TeX alt AscIIMath
uarr uparrow `uarr`
darr downarrow `darr`
rarr rightarrow `rarr`
-> to `->`
>-> rightarrowtail `>->`
->> twoheadrightarrow `->>`
>->> twoheadrightarrowtail `>->>`
|-> mapsto `|->`
larr leftarrow `larr`
harr leftrightarrow `harr`
rArr Rightarrow `rArr`
lArr Leftarrow `lArr`
hArr Leftrightarrow `hArr`
Input Type
TeX alt AscIIMath
hat x `hat x`
bar x overline x `bar x`
ul x underline x `ul x`
vec x `vec x`
tilde x `tilde x`
dot x `dot x`
ddot x `ddot x`
overset(x)(=) overset(x)(=) `overset(x)(=)`
underset(x)(=) `underset(x)(=)`
ubrace(1+2) underbrace(1+2) `ubrace(1+2)`
obrace(1+2) overbrace(1+2) `obrace(1+2)`
color(red)(x) `color(red)(x)`
cancel(x) `cancel(x)`
Greek Letters
Input Type
Input Type
alpha `alpha`
beta `beta`
gamma `gamma` Gamma `Gamma`
delta `delta` Delta `Delta`
epsilon `epsilon`
varepsilon `varepsilon`
zeta `zeta`
eta `eta`
theta `theta` Theta `Theta`
vartheta `vartheta`
iota `iota`
kappa `kappa`
lambda `lambda` Lambda `Lambda`
mu `mu`
nu `nu`
xi `xi` Xi `Xi`
pi `pi` Pi `Pi`
rho `rho`
sigma `sigma` Sigma `Sigma`
tau `tau`
upsilon `upsilon`
phi `phi` Phi `Phi`
varphi `varphi`
chi `chi`
psi `psi` Psi `Psi`
omega `omega` Omega `Omega`
Font commands
Input Type
TeX alt AscIIMath
bb "AaBbCc" mathbf "AaBbCc" `bb "AaBbCc"`
bbb "AaBbCc" mathbb "AaBbCc" `bbb "AaBbCc"`
cc "AaBbCc" mathcal "AaBbCc" `cc "AaBbCc"`
tt "AaBbCc" mathtt "AaBbCc" `tt "AaBbCc"`
fr "AaBbCc" mathfrak "AaBbCc" `fr "AaBbCc"`
sf "AaBbCc" mathsf "AaBbCc" `sf "AaBbCc"`

About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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