Python Pandas Fresco Play hands on solutions Hacker Rank

Python Pandas fresco play handson solution, Learn Data structure, CSV files, DF Indexing, Data Cleaning, Data Aggregation, Data Merging, Null Values.
Python Pandas Fresco Play hands on solutions Hacker Rank -

Kindly Note: If you had any problems, please comment below.

LAB 1: Welcome to Python Pandas | 1 | Data Structures in Pandas

Problem 1: Pandas Data Structures - Hands-on

Solution 1: Pandas Data Structures |1|.


# Write your code here
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Task 1
# Create a Series named heights_A with values 176.2, 158.4, 167.6, 156.2 and 161.4.
# These values represent the height of 5 students of class A.
#   * Label each student as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
#   * Determine the shape of height_A and display it.

heights_A = pd.Series([176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4])
heights_A.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# TASK 2
# Create another series named weights_A with values 85.1, 90.2, 76.8, 80.4, 78.9.
#   * Label each students as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
#   * Determine data type of values in weights_A and display it.
weights_A = pd.Series([85.1,90.2,76.8,80.4,78.9])
weights_A.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# TASK 3
# Create a dataframe named df_A, which contains the heights and weights of five students namely s1,s2,s3,s4,s5.
#   * Label the Columns as Student_height and Student_weight, respectively.
#   * Display the shape of df_A.
df_A = pd.DataFrame()
df_A['Student_height'] = heights_A
df_A['Student_weight'] = weights_A

# TASK 4
# Create another series named heights_B from a 1-D numpy array of 5 elements derived from the normal distribution of mean 170.0 and standard derivation 25.0.
#   * Set random seed to 100 before creating the heights_B series.
# Create another series named weights_B from 1-D numpy array of 5 elements derived from the normal distribution of mean 75.0 and standard deviation 12.0.
#   * Set random seed to 100 before creating the weights_B series.
#   Label both series elements as s1,s2,s3,s4,s5
#   Print the mean of series heights_B.

my_mean = 170.0
my_std = 25.0
heights_B = pd.Series(np.random.normal(loc = my_mean, scale = my_std, size = 5))
heights_B.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

my_mean1 = 75.0
my_std1 = 12.0
weights_B = pd.Series(np.random.normal(loc = my_mean1,scale = my_std1,size = 5))
weights_B.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# TASK 5
# Create a dataframe df_B containing the height and weight of students s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 belonging to class B.
#   * Label the column as Student_height and Student_weight respectively.
#   * Display the column names of db_B.
#   * Use the heights_B and weights_B series created in the above tasks.
df_B = pd.DataFrame()
df_B['Student_height'] = heights_B
df_B['Student_weight'] = weights_B

LAB 2: Welcome to Python Pandas 2 Accessing Pandas Data Structures.

Problem 2: Access Elements in Data Structures.

Solution 2: Access Elements in Data Structures.


#Write your code here

# Task 1:
# Create a series named height_A with values 176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4. These values represent heights of 5 students of class A.
# Label each student as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
# Print the second element of series heights_A.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
heights_A = pd.Series([176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4])
heights_A.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# Task 2
# Print the middle three elementsof series height_A.

# Task 3
# Create another series named weights_A with values 85.1, 90.2, 76.8, 80.4, 78.9.
# These values represent the Weight of 5 students of class A.
# Label each students as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.

weights_A = pd.Series([85.1,90.2,76.8,80.4,78.9])
weights_A.index= ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# Create a dataframe named df_A which contains the height and weight of five students namely s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
#   * Label the Columns as Student_height and Student_weight, respectively.
# Select the column df_A referring to student  heights, and store it in the variable height.



df_A= pd.DataFrame(my_DataFrame)
height= df_A["Student_height"]

# Print the type of object of the variable height.

# Task 4:
# Select the rows corresponding to students s1,s2 of df_A and capture them in another dataframe df_s1s2.
df_s1s2= df_A.loc[["s1","s2"]]
# Print the dataframe df_s1s2

# Task5
# Select the rows corresponding to students s1,s2 and s5 of df_A in the order s2,s5,s1, and capture them in another dataframe df_s2s5s1.
# Print the dataframe df_s2s5s1

#Task 6
# Select those rows of df_A whose index values end with 1 or 4, and capture them in another dataframe df_s1s4.
df_s1s4= df_A[df_A.index.isin(["s1","s4"])]
# Print the dataframe df_s1s4

LAB 3: Welcome to Python Pandas | 3 | Working with CSV files

Problem 3: Working with CSVs - Hands-on

Solution 3: Working with CSVs |3|.


#Write your code here

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Task 1
# Create a Series named heights_A with values 176.2, 158.4, 167.6, 156.2 and 161.4.
# These values represent the Height of 5 students of class A.
#   * Label each student as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.

# Create another series named weights_A with values 85.1, 90.2, 76.8, 80.4, 78.9.
# These values represent the Weight of 5 students of class A.
#   * Label each students as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
# Create a dataframe named df_A, which contains the heights and weights of five students namely s1,s2,s3,s4,s5.
#   * Label the Columns as Student_height and Student_weight, respectively.
#   * Write the Contents of df_A to a CSV file named classA.csv.

heights_A = pd.Series([176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4])
heights_A.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

weights_A = pd.Series([85.1,90.2,76.8,80.4,78.9])
weights_A.index= ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']




# Task 2
# Read the contents of the CSV file, classA.csv into a dataframe named df_A2.
# Display the dataframe df_A2.


# Task 3 
# Read the contentsof the CSV file classA.csv into a dataframe named df_A3, such that the first column data values are treated as index to df_A3.
# Display the dataframe df_A3.
df_A3=pd.read_csv("classA.csv", index_col=0)

# Task 4
# Create another series named height_B from a 1-D numpy array of 5 elements derived from the normal distribution of mean 170.0 and standard deviation 25.0.
#   * Set random seed to 100 before creating heights_B series.
# Create another series named weight_B from a 1-D numpy array of 5 elements derived from the normal distribution of mean 75.0 and standard deviation 12.0.
#   * Set random seed to 100 again before creating Weights_B series.
# Label both series elements as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
# Create a dataframe named df_B, which contains the heights and weights of five students s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 belonging to class B.
#   * Label the Columns as Student_height and Student_weight, respectively.
#   * Write the Contents of df_B without the index to a CSV file named classB.csv.
#   * Display the contents of classB.csv using the command "cat classB.csv".


heights_B= pd.Series(np.random.normal(loc=m, scale=sd,size=5))


weights_B= pd.Series(np.random.normal(loc=m2, scale=sd2,size=5))

df_B= pd.DataFrame(d2)
df_B.to_csv('classB.csv' , index=False)

# Task 5
# Read the data from the classB.csv file into a dataframe df_B2.
# Display the dataframe df_B2.


# Task 6
# Read data from the classB.csv file into a dataframe df_B3, such that the argument header of read_csv is set to None. When the header is set to None, data is read assuming there is no header in the input CSV file.
# Display the dataframe df_B3.

df_B3=pd.read_csv("classB.csv", header=None)

# Task 7
# Read data from the classB.csv file into a dataframe df_d4, such that the argument header of read_csv is set to None, and argument skiprows is set to 2.
# Display the dataframe df_B4.
df_B4=pd.read_csv("classB.csv",  header=None , skiprows=2)

LAB 4: Welcome to Python Pandas 4 Indexing Dataframes

Problem 4: Hands-on with Indexes.

Solution 4: Hands-on with Indexes |4|.

#Write your code here

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Task 1
# Create an index named dates representing a range of dates starting from 1-Sep-2017 to 15-Sep-2017.
# Print the 3rd element of the created DateTimeIndex.
DatetimeIndex=pd.date_range(start="09/01/2017", end="09/15/2017")

# Task 2:
# Convert the following date string into datetime objects:datelist = ['14-Sep-2017', '9-Sep-2017']
# Capture the result in the variable 'dates_to_be_searched' and print it.
datelist=['14-Sep-2017', '9-Sep-2017']

# Task 3:
# Check if the element of 'dates_to_be_searched' are present in the DataTimeIndex, 'dates', which created above.
# Print the output.

# Task 4:
# Create a multi index named mi_index of two levels, represented in the following array arraylist:
#   *   arraylist= [["classA"]*5 + ["classB"]*5, ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']*2]
# Print levels of mi_index.
arraylist= [["classA"]*5 + ["classB"]*5, ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']*2]
mi_index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product(arraylist, names=["First Level", "Second Level"])

LAB 5: Welcome to Python Pandas 5 Data Cleaning

Problem 5: Data Cleaning - Handson.

Solution 5: Data Cleaning - Handson |5|.

#Write your code here

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Task 1:
# Create a series named height_A with values 176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4. These values represent heights of 5 students of class A.
# Label each student as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
heights_A = pd.Series([176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4])
heights_A.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# Task 2:
# Create another series named weights_A with values 85.1, 90.2, 76.8, 80.4, 78.9.
# These values represent the Weight of 5 students of class A.
#   * Label each students as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
weights_A = pd.Series([85.1,90.2,76.8,80.4,78.9])
weights_A.index= ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# Task 3:
# Create a dataframe named df_A which contains the height and weight of five students namely s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
#   * Label the Columns as Student_height and Student_weight, respectively.
#   * Set height and weight values of student s3 to NaN.
#   * Set the weight of s5 to NaN.
#   * Drop the rows having null values in any of the columns, and assign the result to df_A2. 




df_A.loc["s3"] = np.nan


df_A2= df_A.dropna(how="any") # df_A2= df_A.dropna(axis="rows")

# Task 4:
# Display the dataframe df_A2.

LAB 6: Welcome to Python Pandas 6 Data Aggregation

Problem 6: Data Aggregation - Handson.

Solution 6: Data Aggregation - Handson |6|.

#Write your code here

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Task 1:
# Create a series named height_A with values 176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4. These values represent heights of 5 students of class A.
# Label each student as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
heights_A = pd.Series([176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4])
heights_A.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# Create another series named weights_A with values 85.1, 90.2, 76.8, 80.4, 78.9.
# These values represent the Weight of 5 students of class A.
#   * Label each students as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
weights_A = pd.Series([85.1,90.2,76.8,80.4,78.9])
weights_A.index= ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# Create a dataframe named df_A which contains the height and weight of five students namely s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
#   * Label the Columns as Student_height and Student_weight, respectively.
#   * Filter the rows from df_A, whose Student_weight > 160.0 and Student_weight < 80.0, and capture them in another dataframe df_A_filter1.
# Print the dataframe df_A_filter1.





df_A_filter1= df_A[(df_A.Student_height>160.0 ) &(df_A.Student_weight<80.0)] 

# Task 2:
# Filter the rows df_A whose index values end with 5, and capture them  in another dataframe df_A_filter2.
# Print the dataframe df_A_filter2.
df_A_filter2= df_A[df_A.index.isin(["s5"])]

# Task 3:
# Create  a new column Gender in the dataframe df_A using the command: df_A['Gender'] =["M","F","M","M","F"].
# Group df_A based on Gender, and capture the result in df_groups.
# Print the mean height and weight of each group.
df_groups= df_A.groupby("Gender")

LAB 7: Welcome to Python Pandas 7 Data Merging 1.

Problem 7: Data Merge 1 - Hands-on.

Solution 7: Data Merge 1 - Hands-on.


#Write your code here

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Task 1:
# Create a series named height_A with values 176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4. These values represent heights of 5 students of class A.
# Label each student as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
heights_A = pd.Series([176.2,158.4,167.6,156.2,161.4])
heights_A.index = ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# Create another series named weights_A with values 85.1, 90.2, 76.8, 80.4, 78.9.
# These values represent the Weight of 5 students of class A.
#   * Label each students as s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.

weights_A = pd.Series([85.1,90.2,76.8,80.4,78.9])
weights_A.index= ['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5']

# Create a dataframe named df_A which contains the height and weight of five students namely s1, s2, s3, s4, s5.
#   * Label the Columns as Student_height and Student_weight, respectively.


# Add a new column Gender to the dataframe df_A with values  ["M","F","M","M","F"].
df_A = pd.DataFrame(DataFrame_A)
df_A["Gender"] = ["M","F","M","M","F"]

# Create anothr Series s, from a list [165.4, 82.7, "F"].
# Provide the following values to the argument index:  ['Student_height', 'Student_Weight', 'Gender']
# Set the value of the "name" argument of series, s, to s6.
s = pd.Series([165.4, 82.7, "F"],  index=["Student_height", "Student_weight"  ,"Gender"  ], name="s6")

# Append the series s to the dadtaframe df_A, and store the captured array in df_AA.
# Display the dataframe df_AA.

# Task 2
# Create another series named heights_B from a 1-D numpy array of 5 elements derived from the normal distribution of mean 170.0 and standard derivation 25.0.
# Set random seed to 100 before creating the heights_B series.

heights_B= pd.Series(np.random.normal(loc=mean_A, scale=s_deviation_A,size=5), index=['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5'])

# Create another series named weights_B from 1-D numpy array of 5 elements derived from the normal distribution of mean 75.0 and standard deviation 12.0.
#   Set random seed to 100 before creating the weights_B series.
#   Label both series elements as s1,s2,s3,s4,s5
weights_B= pd.Series(np.random.normal(loc=mean_B, scale=s_deviation_B,size=5), index=['s1','s2','s3','s4','s5'])

# Create a dataframe df_B containing the height and weight of students s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 belonging to class B.
# Label the column as Student_height and Student_weight respectively.




# Change the index of df_B to ["s7", "s8", "s9", "s10", "s11"].
# Create the Gender column in df_B with values ["F","M","F","F","M"]
df_B.index=["s7", "s8", "s9", "s10", "s11"]

# Concatenate two dataframes df_AA and df_B, and assign the result to df.
# Display the dataframe df.

LAB 8: Welcome to Python Pandas 8 Data Merging 2.

Problem 8: Data Merge - Hands-on 2.

Solution 8: Data Merge - Hands-on 2.

#Write your code here

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Task 1:
# Create the following two Series: 'nameid = pd.Series(range(101,111))' and 'name = pd.Series(['persion'+ str(i) for i in range(1, 11)])' 
name=pd.Series([ "person"+str(i) for i in   range(1,11)])

# Create the dataframe master with series nameid and name respectively.




# Create the dataframe transaction using the command: 'transation = pd.DataFrame({ "nameid": [108,108,108,103], "product": ['iPhone','Nokia','Micromax','Vivo']})'

transaction=pd.DataFrame({ "nameid": [108,108,108,103], "product": ['iPhone','Nokia','Micromax','Vivo']})

# Merge 'master' with 'transaction' on 'nameid' and save the marged dataframes as 'mdf'. Perform inner join. 
# 'mdf' should have the columns in this order : 'nameid', 'name', 'product'.

mdf= pd.merge(master ,transaction, on="nameid")

# Display 'mdf'. 

About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

4 تعليقات

  1. غير معرف
    I need batch normalization completed code in optimazation and hyper parameter tuning .I tried from my end but it is getting passed in 6 test cases but failing in 7th one.
    could u please help me in this..
    1. غير معرف
      Please share the Course ID once?
    2. غير معرف
      Course ID:57962
    3. غير معرف
      any update on course ID:57962??