LAB 1 : CSS3 HandsOn - Morphing Div
Solution: CSS3 HandsOn - Morphing Div
Solution: CSS3 HandsOn - Morphing Div
<-- Only needs to work on .CSS File --> <html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<div id="shape">
/* Task: Create a Morphing div as shown in above image. A div starts like a square and morphs shape to become a circle while changing colors. (1). Use CSS animations, name the animation as 'colorchange' and with a duration of 5 seconds and the animation should run infinitely. (2). Split the animation intervals into 5. (3). The order of change in color is as follows: Red,Yellow, Blue, Green, and again Red. */ #shape { height: 300px; width: 300px; background: tomato; margin: auto auto auto auto; border: 1px solid black; animation: colorchange5sinfinite; animation-duration: 5s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } @keyframes colorchange5sinfinite{ 0%{ background: red; } 25%{ background: yellow; } 50%{ background: blue; border-radius: 50% } 75%{ background: green; } 100%{ background: red; } } html{ width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; } body{ display: flex; margin: auto auto auto auto; }
/* Only needs to work on .CSS File */ var fs = require('fs'); describe("Filter function", () => { let file; beforeAll(() => { file = fs.readFileSync('styles.css').toString(); file = file.replace(/\r?\n|\r| /g, "") console.log(file); }) test("check for animation", () => { expect(file).toContain('animation:colorchange5sinfinite;'); }); test("check 0% and 25% animation", () => { expect(file).toContain('0%{background:red;}25%{background:yellow;}'); }); test("check 75% and 100% animation", () => { expect(file).toContain('75%{background:green;}100%{background:red;}'); }); test("check for border radius", () => { expect(file).toContain('border-radius:'); }); });
LAB 2 : CSS3 HandsOn - Scroll Bar
Solution: CSS3 HandsOn - Scroll Bar
Solution: CSS3 HandsOn - Scroll Bar
<-- Only needs to work on .CSS File --> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="overflow"> “Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come.” ― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar </div> </div> </body> </html>
.container::-webkit-scrollbar { background-color:#fff; width:13px } .container::-webkit-scrollbar-track { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); background-color: #F5F5F5; border-radius: 10px; } .container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 10px; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,.3); background-color: #55; } .container { height: 200px; width: 300px; min-width: 150px; background: #fff; margin: auto auto auto auto; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll; } .overflow{ min-width: 350px; min-height:250px; } html{ width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; } body{ display: flex; margin: auto auto auto auto; font-size:22px; font-weight:600; font-family: comic sans ms; } }
LAB 3 : CSS3 HandsOn - Menu Bar
Solution: CSS3 HandsOn - Menu Bar
Solution: CSS3 HandsOn - Menu Bar
<-- Only needs to work on .CSS File --> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <div class="menu"> <div tabindex="0" class="button">Home</div> <div class="content"> “A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams. Home is where our story begins…” </div> <div tabindex="0" class="button">Contact</div> <div class="content"> “Contacts added but not one is worthy enough to remain as their priority.” </div> <div tabindex="0" class="button">About</div> <div class="content"> “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” </div> </div> </body> </html>
.menu { height: 24%; width: 600px; margin: auto; border: 1px solid RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.4); font-family: calibri, monospace; } .button { width: 150px; height: 32%; background: #333; border: 1px solid white; color: #e7e7e7; font-weight: 600; display: flex; cursor: pointer; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .button:focus + .content { display: block; } .button:focus, .button:hover { background: blue; } .content { background: #f3f3f3; width: 440px; height: 23%; margin-left: 155px; border: 1px solid #e7e7e7; display: none; position: absolute; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } html { width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; } body { display: flex; margin: auto; }
/* Only needs to work on .CSS File */ var fs = require("fs"); describe("Filter function", () => { let file; beforeAll(() => { file = fs.readFileSync("styles.css").toString(); file = file.replace(/\r?\n|\r| /g, ""); }); test("button's cursor should be pointer", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.button{*[^}]*cursor:pointer;/); }); test("button's desplay should be flex", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.button{*[^}]*display:flex;/); }); test("button's should be align center", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.button{*[^}]*align-items:center;/); }); test("button's content should be justify center", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.button{*[^}]*justify-content:center;/); }); test("content should display none", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.content{*[^}]*display:none;/); }); test("content position should be absolute", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.content{*[^}]*position:absolute;/); }); test("content items should be align center", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.content{*[^}]*align-items:center;/); }); test("content should be justify center", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.content{*[^}]*justify-content:center;/); }); test("button hover and focus should exists", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.button:focus,\.button:hover{*[^}]*/); }); test("button focus and content should exists", () => { expect(file).toMatch(/\.button:focus\+\.content{*[^}]*/); }); });
LAB 4 : CSS3 HandsOn - Flying Bird
Solution: CSS3 HandsOn - Flying Bird
Solution: CSS3 HandsOn - Flying Bird
<-- Only needs to work on .CSS File --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>flying birds</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <h2>“Soft feathers cannot make a cruel bird kind” </h2> <div class="bird-container"> <div class="bird"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
h1 { font-family: 'comic sans', cursive; font-size: 25px; } body,html{ min-width:100%; min-height:100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .container { min-height: 30rem; min-width:50rem; background-size: cover; background-position: center center; overflow:hidden; position:relative; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; background-image:url(.*bg.jpg.*); } .bird { background-size: auto 100%; width: 88px; height: 125px; animation-timing-function: steps(10); animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 1s; animation-delay: -0.5s; background-image:url(.*bird-cells.svg.*); will-change:background-position; animation-name:fly-cycle; } .bird-container { top: 20%; left: -10%; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 15s; animation-delay: 0; position:absolute; will-change:transform; transform:scale(.*)translateX(.*); animation-name:fly-right-one; } @keyframes fly-cycle { 100% { background-position: -900px 0; } } @keyframes fly-right-one { 0% { transform: scale(0.3) translateX(-10vw); } 10% { transform: translateY(2vh) translateX(10vw) scale(0.4); } 20% { transform: translateY(0vh) translateX(30vw) scale(0.5); } 30% { transform: translateY(4vh) translateX(50vw) scale(0.6); } 40% { transform: translateY(2vh) translateX(70vw) scale(0.6); } 50% { transform: translateY(0vh) translateX(90vw) scale(0.6); } 60% { transform: translateY(0vh) translateX(110vw) scale(0.6); } 100% { transform: translateY(0vh) translateX(110vw) scale(0.6); } } @keyframes fly-right-two { 0% { transform: translateY(-2vh) translateX(-10vw) scale(0.5); } 10% { transform: translateY(0vh) translateX(10vw) scale(0.4); } 20% { transform: translateY(-4vh) translateX(30vw) scale(0.6); } 30% { transform: translateY(1vh) translateX(50vw) scale(0.45); } 40% { transform: translateY(-2.5vh) translateX(70vw) scale(0.5); } 50% { transform: translateY(0vh) translateX(90vw) scale(0.45); } 51% { transform: translateY(0vh) translateX(110vw) scale(0.45); } 100% { transform: translateY(0vh) translateX(110vw) scale(0.45); } }
<-- Only needs to work on .CSS File -->