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Mini-Project - Python FSP - Sprint2- Python Programming:-
Welcome to Python - Exception Handling, Decorators, Generators, Advanced Modules.
Question 1: Exception Handling.
Solution 1: Exception Handling.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT # Task 1: # Create a function which can accept a list of integer as input and store in variable 'A'. # then, divide the first value by a second value of the list and calculate the sum of the list. def handelExe(): while True: # Check and handle the following exceptions:- try: error= False A= input().strip().split() # Task 2. If the input values are not integer it will raise a 'ValueError'. # and print the message "Enter a valid numbers". if False in list(map(lambda x: x.isdigit(), A) ): raise ValueError A = list(map( lambda x : int(x), A)) # Task 3. If zero division error occure raise 'ZeroDivisionError'. # and print the message "Second value should not be zero". if A[1]==0: raise ZeroDivisionError # Task 4. If an index error occure raise 'IndexError'. # and print the message "Number of Inputs should be more than one". elif len(A)<2: raise IndexError # Task 5. If sum of the list is greater than 100 raise 'Exception'. # and print the message "Sum of the list should be less than 100", and the sum of the list. elif sum(A)>100: raise Exception # Task 6. If there is no exception occured print the division value. else: print(A[0]/A[1]) break except ValueError: print("Enter a valid numbers") except ZeroDivisionError: print("Second value should not be zero") except IndexError: print("Number of Inputs should be more than one") except Exception: print("Sum of the list should be less than 100") print(sum(A)) # Task 7: After that, read the file "file.txt" if not able to read raise the OSError and # print the message "File not found". try: if not open('file.txt', 'r'): error= True raise OSError except OSError: print("File not found") # Task 8: At the end of the handling print the message "Code has been executed". finally: print("Code has been executed") # Refer '__main__' method code which is given below if required.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Starting from here: # Note: Do Not modify the below code if __name__ == '__main__': handelExe()
Question 2: Decorators.
Solution 2: Decorators.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT # Task 1: # Create decorators to perform string join, find the aver age and find the total. # The decorator should print the output in the following pattern: # The decorator should print each function names as "function_name Decorator". # Create Decorator here def dic(func, *args): fn= func.__name__ print( str(fn) + " Decorator" ) def inn(self, *args): func(*args) return func # Print "Joining Strings..." and joined string output. @dic def joinString(*args): strh =args print("Joining Strings...") return "".join(strh) # Print "Calculating Total..." and the calculated total. @dic def findTotal(*args): A = args print("Calculating Total...") return sum(A) # Print "Calculating Average..." and the calculated average. @dic def average(*args): A = args Len = len(A) print("Calculating Average...") return sum(A)/Len # Refer '__main__' method code which is given below if required.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Starting from here: # Note: Do Not modify the below code if __name__ == '__main__': strInput=list(map(str,input().split())) numInput=list(map(int,input().split())) print(joinString(*strInput)) print(average(*numInput)) print(findTotal(*numInput))
Question 3: Generators.
Solution 3: Generators.
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT # Task: # Create a function which can accept integer as an input. def inpt(): numb = int(input()) return numb # Then create generators to perform and print the sum of the square # of the Fibonacci Series for the given input. def generator_sum(): n = inpt() def generator_inner(): a, b = 0, 1 for i in range(n+1): yield a a, b = b, a + b fibonacci_list = list(generator_inner())[1:] # print(fibonacci_list) def fib_square(fib_lst): generator_obj = ( i**2 for i in fib_lst) return generator_obj fibonacci_square_list= list(fib_square(fibonacci_list)) # print(fibonacci_square_list) print( sum(fibonacci_square_list)) # Refer '__main__' method code which is given below if required.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Starting from here: # Note: Do Not modify the below code if __name__ == '__main__': generator_sum()
Question 4: Advanced Modules.
Solution 4: Advanced Modules.
import collections # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT # Task 1: # Create a function 'actionDic' that should take n number of keys and values to create # dictionary and merge it with the dictionary stored in the old_dic using 'ChainMap'. def actionDic(): key = input().rstrip().split() value = input().rstrip().split() n= int(input()) new_dic = dict(zip(key, value)) merged = dict(collections.ChainMap(old_dic, new_dic) ) # Then pass the dictionary as a arguments to the function 'printDic' to print the values of the dictionary. printDic(**merged) res = getEven(n) print(res) def printDic(**args): for k, v in args.items(): print(f'{v} is the value of the key {k}') # Task 2: # Create a function 'getEven', which can take an integer as input and return the sum of the even numbers between 0 to integer value. # Then print getEven function from 'actionDic'. def getEven(n): even_lst = [] for i in range(1,n+1): if i%2==0: even_lst.append(i) return sum(even_lst) # Refer '__main__' method code which is given below if required.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Starting from here: # Note: Do Not modify the below code if __name__ == '__main__': old_dic = {'ram':6,'mouse':4,'monitor':3} actionDic()