Lab 1:
Solution 1:
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT vector_list = c("yes","no","yes","maybe") Factor_list = factor(vector_list) levels_list = levels(Factor_list) print(levels_list)
Lab 2: Date and Time in R
Solution 2: Welcome to R Basics - Date and Time in R
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT #str = "2016-12-25" str = "25-12-2016" d <- as.Date(str, format="%d-%m-%Y") print(d)
Lab 3: Vectors in R
Solution 3 : Welcome to R Basics -Vectors in R
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT V1 <- c(1,2,3,4,5) V2 <- c(10,20,30,40,50) result <- V1+ V2 print(result)
Lab 4: Vectors and Matrices
Solution : Welcome to R Basics - Vectors and Matrices
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT vector_V <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) matrix_M <- matrix(vector_V, byrow = TRUE,nrow=3,ncol=3)*2 print(matrix_M)
Lab 5: Categorical to Numeric Variable in R
Solution 5 : Welcome to R Basics -Categorical to Numeric Variable in R
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT set.seed(10) v1 <- factor( c(sample.int(100, 10))) v2 <- as.numeric(as.character(v1)) print(v1==v2)
Lab 6: Random Numbers in R
Solution 6 : Welcome to R Basics - Random Numbers in R
random_function <- function(length,start,end,precision) { # Enter your code here. V <- round(runif(length, start, end),precision) return (V) }#End Function print(length(random_function(10,0.0,10.0,2)))
Lab 7: Handling 'NA'
Solution 7 : Welcome to R Basics - Handling 'NA'
handling_na <- function(V) { # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT even_num <- V[ V%%2==0] # print(even_num) exclude_NA <- even_num[!is.na(even_num) ] # print(exclude_NA) V <- exclude_NA return (V) } vec <-c(1, 4 ,NA ,7 ,9 ,NA ,2) print(handling_na(vec))
Lab 8: Set Operations in R
Solution 8 : Welcome to R Basics - Set Operations in R
set_handling <- function(A,B) { # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT C <- setdiff(A,B) return (C) } print(set_handling(c(11:16),c(13:20)))
Lab 9: Descriptive Statistics in R
Solution 9 : Welcome to R Basics - Descriptive Statistics in R
stats <- function(V) { # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT ans <- median(V) return (ans) } print(stats(c(11:17)))
Lab 10: Conditional Operations - if/else
Solution 10 : Welcome to R Basics - Conditional Operations - if/else
conditional <- function(V) { # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT for (x in V) { if (any(x >= 80)) { cat('Above_Average\t') k <- c('Above_Average') } else { cat('Average\t') } } } conditional(c(78,85,90))
Lab 11: Conditional Operations - which()
Solution 11 : Welcome to R Basics - Conditional Operations - which()
conditional <- function(M) { # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT ans <- which(M>13 & M<16) return(ans) } print(conditional( c(10:20)))
Lab 12: for() Loops in R
Solution 12 : Welcome to R Basic -for() Loops in R
loop <- function(V) { # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT new_Vec <- c() for(i in V){ if( i%%2==0){ # print("even") # print(i) new_Vec = append(new_Vec, i) } } # print(sum(f)) ans <- sum(new_Vec) return (ans) } print(loop(c(80:100)))
Lab 13: Writing Functions
Solution 13 : Welcome to R Basics - Writing Functions
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT Cube <- function(num){ return(num**3) } print(Cube(10)) print(Cube(3)) print(Cube(4)) print(Cube(5))
Lab 14: Variables
Solution 14 : Welcome to R Basics - Variables
leap <-function(D){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT ans <-format(D, '%Y') return (ans) } print(leap(as.Date('2018-01-01'))) print(leap(as.Date('2022-01-01')))
Lab 15: Variable Operations
Solution 15 : Welcome to R Basics - Variable Operations
operation <-function(L1,L2){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT ans <- sqrt(L1)*L2 return (ans) } print(operation(4,2)) print(operation(100,4))
Lab 16: Type Conversion
Solution 16 : Welcome to R Basics-Type Conversion
convert <-function(K){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT type <- typeof(K) # print(type) ans <- as.integer(K) # print(typeof(ans)) return (ans) } print(convert(2.7)) print(convert(3.456)) print(convert(4.1))
Lab 17: Factor and Levels
Solution 17 : Welcome to R Basics - Factor and Levels 2
level <-function(V){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT fac <- factor(V) ans <- nlevels(fac) return(ans) } print(level(c("Red","Green","Blue"))) print(level(c("Single","Married"))) print(level(c("Apple","Apple","Orange","Mango")))
Lab 18: Random Numbers
Solution 18 : Welcome to R Basics-Random Number 2
sequence_gen <-function(a,b){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT # ans <- sample(a:b, abs(a-b), replace=FALSE) ans <- rep(seq(a,b), times = 2) # print(length(ans)) k <- c() for(i in ans){ # print(i) if(i%%2==0){ k<- append(k,i) } } ans <- k return(ans) } print(sequence_gen(10,20)) print(sequence_gen(28,45))
Lab 19: Vector Operations
Solution 19 : Welcome to R Basics - Vector Operations
multi <-function(a,b,c,d){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT X <- c(a:b) # print(X) Y <- c(c:d) # print(Y) ans <- X*Y return(ans) } print(multi(1,3,4,6)) print(multi(10,16,24,30))
Lab 20: Matrix Operations
Solution 20 : Welcome to R Basics - Matrix Operations
create_mat <-function(V,r,c){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT ans <- matrix(V, nrow =r , ncol = c) return(ans) } print(create_mat(c(2,4,6,8,0,9),2,3)) print(create_mat(c(12,14),1,2)) print(create_mat(c(15),1,1))
Lab 21 -::- String and Date
Solution 21 : Welcome to R Basics -String and Date
convert_date <-function(S){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT dt <- as.Date(S, "%d%m%Y") ans <- format(dt, "%Y-%m-%d") return(ans) } print(convert_date("15081947")) print(convert_date("18081995")) print(convert_date("04021967")) print(convert_date("06091969"))
Lab 22: POSIX Date
Solution 22 : Welcome to R Basics-POSIX Date
elapsed_days <-function(X,Y){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT x <- as.POSIXct(X,format="%d%b%Y") y <- as.POSIXct(Y,format="%d%b%Y") # print(x) # print(y) # using the optional units= argument can be used with any of the following values: "auto", "secs", "mins", "hours", "days", or "weeks". ans <- difftime(x,y,units='days') return (ans) } print(elapsed_days("15Jan2020","12Dec1983")) print(elapsed_days("18Aug2021","18Aug1995"))
Lab 23: Conditional Operations
Solution 23 : Welcome to R Basics-Conditional Operations-1
condition <-function(temp){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT tmp <- temp for(i in 1:length(temp)){ # print(as.integer(temp[i])) if(as.integer(temp[i])>100){ temp[i]= "Hot" } else{ temp[i]= "Normal" } } # print(temp) V= temp return(V) } print(condition(c(102,98,67,115))) print(condition(c(89,125))) print(condition(c(99,45,56)))
Lab 24: Conditional Operations
Solution 24 :Welcome to R Basics - Conditional Operations-2
classmark <-function(marks){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT if(any(marks < 90)){ ans <- "Needs Improvement" } else{ ans <- "Best Class" } return(ans) } print(classmark(c(100,95,94,56))) print(classmark(c(100,95,94,96)))
Lab 25: Iterations
Solution 25 : Welcome to R Basics - Iterations 1
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT Nfact <- function(n){ count <- 1 mul <- 1 while(count < n+1){ # print(i) mul <- mul*count count <- count+1 } return(mul) } print(Nfact(6)) print(Nfact(5)) print(Nfact(9))
Lab 26: Iterations
Solution 26 : Welcome to R Basics - Iterations 2
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDO sum_whole <- function(n){ ans <- 0 for(i in 1:n){ ans <- ans+i } return(ans) } print(sum_whole(20)) print(sum_whole(32)) print(sum_whole(4))
Lab 27: Function - which()
Solution 27 : Welcome to R Basics -Function - which()
find_matches <-function(scores){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT ans <- which(scores%%2==0 ) return(ans) } print(find_matches(c(102,34,56,77))) print(find_matches(c(100,90,21)))
Lab 28: Function - str()
Solution 28 : Welcome to R Basics-Function - str()
inspect <-function(names,details){ # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT n <- data.frame(names, details) return(str(n)) } inspect(c("Ajay","Ajith","Akhila"),c("Manager","Trainee","Trainee"))
Lab 29: User Defined Functions
Solution 29 : Welcome to R Basics-User Defined Functions
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT pyth <- function(a,b){ c = (a**2) + (b**2) return(sqrt(c)) } print(pyth(3,4)) print(pyth(6,8))
Lab 30: R - Programming - Hands-on
Solution 30 : Welcome to R Basics - Test Your Knowledge
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT #Task 1 #Write the function random that accept three parameters (count,l_limit,u_limit) #Function should return mean and median of randomly generated numbers as list #Instructions #Set seed. Use set.seed(1) to set seed #Generate count number of random numbers between l_limit,u_limit. Hint Use - runif #Round the numbers. Example : 1,2,3,.. #Find the mean and median #Return as list. Title of elements should be mean,median #Enter code below random <- function(count,l_limit,u_limit){ set.seed(1) b <- runif(count,l_limit,u_limit) b <- round(b) # print(b) me <- mean(b) md <- median(b) p <- c(me,md) # print(me) # print(md) lst <- list(me,md) names(lst) <- c("mean","median") # print(class(lst)) # return(p) return(lst) } #End random(100,0,50) ############################### #Task 2 #Write the function date which accepts three parameters (d,m,y) and return it in date format #Instructions: #Convert the values to type characters #Concatenate the characters. Hint : Use paste function #Return as date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd' #Enter code below date <- function(d,m,y){ dt <- paste(d,m,y) dt <- as.Date(dt , '%d %m %Y') return(dt) } #End date(10,10,1999) ############################### #Task 3 #Write the function string_count which accepts a string as parameter and returns the count of words having more than 3 characters #Instructions: #Split the string. Use strsplit() to split the string #Hint : Use length function to get the count of elements in list #Hint : Use nchar function to find the number of characters in the string #Return the count #Enter code below string_count <- function(s){ t <strsplit(s, split = " ")[[1]] res <- c() for(i in 1:length(t)){ # print(i) # print(t[i]) len <- length(t[i]) # word_len <- length(strsplit(t[i], split = "")[[1]]) # print(word_len) word_len <- nchar(t[i]) # print(word_len) # print(len) if(word_len>3){ res <- append(res, t[i]) } } return(length(res)) } #End string_count("It was well after noon when Sam came up the narrow lane behind the Parker place")