Welcome to Kickoffs - Coding - Oct 06 2023 - Python - Trading Platform
Problem Description:-
first input line represnts number of events "N"
subsequent line of i < N represent individuals inputs of events.
<Event> <Stock_name> <Quantity>
Events | Portfolio | Net Profit |
But Stock1 | 789 | |
Change Stock1 | -666 | |
Buy Stock5 | 662 | |
Change Stock5 | -130 | |
Buy Stock15 | 414 | |
Change Stock15 | -565 | |
Buy Stock35 | 732 | |
Sell Stock15 | 345 | |
Buy Stock17 | 784 | |
Query | -845444 |
def getNetProfit(events): profit =0 d= {} temp = [] for i in events: print(i) if "BUY" in i: stock = i.split()[1] quantity = i.split()[2] d[stock] = quantity # return profit if "CHANGE" in i: stock = i.split()[1] quantity = i.split()[2] st_value =d[stock] temp.append(int(st_value)*int(quantity)) if "QUERY" in i: profit = sum(temp) if "SELL" in i: try: stock = i.split()[1] quantity = i.split()[2] st_value =d[stock] new_value = int(st_value) - int(quantity) d[stock] = new_value except KeyError: raise KeyError("Stock Not Found") return profit events = [ 'BUY stock57 789', 'CHANGE stock57 -666', 'BUY stock196 662', 'CHANGE stock196 -130', 'BUY stock860 414', 'CHANGE stock860 -565', 'BUY stock61 732', 'SELL stock860 69', 'BUY stock269 794', 'QUERY'] Net_profit = getNetProfit(events) print(Net_profit)
Q2. User-Friendly Password System
Problem Description:-
#!/bin/python3 import math import os import random import re import sys # # Complete the 'authEvents' function below. # # The function is expected to return an INTEGER_ARRAY. # The function accepts 2D_STRING_ARRAY events as parameter. # # def authEvents(events): # # Write your code here def authEvents(events): print(events) import string h = list(string.ascii_letters)+ [str(d) for d in range(10)] # + [""] # Write your code here ans = [] for i in range(len(events)): def f(x): z = ord("%s" %x) return z def hash_val(lst, ln): count =1 w=[] for ij in lst: t= f(ij) * (131** (ln-count)) w.append(t) count= count+1 return sum(w) % (10**9+7) if events[i][0] == 'setPassword': lst= list(events[i][1]) ln = len(lst) res =[] res.append(hash_val(lst, ln)) for k in h: lst_add= list(events[i][1]) lst_add.append(k) ln_add = len(lst_add) res.append(hash_val(lst_add, ln_add)) print(res) if events[i][0] == "authorize": if int(events[i][1]) in res: ans.append(1) else: ans.append(0) return ans if __name__ == '__main__': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w') events_rows = int(input().strip()) events_columns = int(input().strip()) events = [] for _ in range(events_rows): events.append(input().rstrip().split()) result = authEvents(events) fptr.write('\n'.join(map(str, result))) fptr.write('\n') fptr.close()