Basics of Statistics and Probability Fresco Play Handson Solution

Learn Probability and Statistics including Permutations and Combinations, Random Variables, Discrete and Continuous Distribution, Naive Bayes etc.
Basics of Statistics and Probability Fresco Play Handson Solution -

Learn Probalility and Statistics with Handson, including Permutations and Combinations, Random Variables, Discreate and Continuous Distribution, Naive Bayes Theorem, Hypothesis testing, Chi-Squared Test.

Lab 2 : Welcome to Probability and Statistics -2

Combinations with Factorial - Hands-on


from itertools import combinations
from itertools import permutations
import numpy as np
import math

def comb_perm(arr):
    #Write your code here
    Input: arr : numpy array    
    Return : no_of_comb,no_of_perm : Integer
    Task 1:
    Given an array, you should find the number of
    combinations and permutations when taken 2 elements
    at a time without a replacement that can be formed from
    the array of elements.
    arr = [A,B,C,D]
    no_of_comb= len(list(combinations(arr ,2)))
    no_of_perm= len(list(permutations(arr, 2) ))
    # print( no_of_comb ,  no_of_perm )
    return no_of_comb,no_of_perm

if __name__=='__main__':
    for i in range(n):

Lab 3: Welcome to Probability and Statistics -3

Statistics - Hands-on


import math

def dancers():
    output: ans : Integer
    #Write your code here
    #Assign your value to variable ans
    Task 1:
    The teacher wants a group to be formed for the
    upcoming dance competition. She wants a group of 5
    dancers consisting of 3 boys and 2 girls. In how many
    ways can a group of 5 dancers be formed by selecting
    3 boys out of 6 and 2 girls out of 5? Help her out!

    Write a function that returns the number of ways
    a group of 5 dancers consisting of 3 boys and 2
    girls can be formed.
    # {6!} / {3!(6-3)!}     # NcR!   - 6C3!
    # {5!} / {2!(5-2)!}	    # NcR!   - 5C2!
    s = math.factorial(6)
    Th = math.factorial(3)
    min1 = math.factorial(6-3)

    c1 = s/ (Th*min1)

    f = math.factorial(5)
    Tw = math.factorial(2)
    min2 = math.factorial(5-2)

    c2 = f/ (Tw*min2)

    ans= c1*c2
    return int(ans)

if __name__=='__main__':

Lab 4: Welcome to Probability and Statistics -4

Mutually Exclusive Events


from scipy import stats

def binomial():
    output: ans : Float
    #Write your code here
    #Assign the probability value to the variable ans
    #Round off to 2 decimal places

    # n: the total number of trials
    # r: a list of integers from 0 to n, inclusive.
    # p: the probability that the outcome of a single experiment will be a success.
    # pmf(r,n, p)
    ans = 1 - round(stats.binom.pmf(0,4,0.6),2)
    return ans

if __name__=='__main__':

Lab 5: Welcome to Probability and Statistics -5

Non-mutually Exclusive Events


from scipy import stats
def poisson():
    output: ans : Float
    The average number of bouquets sold by a flower shop is 10 per day.
    What is the probability that exactly 15 bouquets will be sold tomorrow? Use Poisson Distribution.
    #Write your code here
    #Assign the probability value to the variable ans
    #Round off to 2 decimal places

    ans= stats.poisson.pmf(15 , 10)
    return round(ans,2)

if __name__=='__main__':

Lab 6: Welcome to Probability and Statistics -6

Binomial - Hands-on


from scipy import stats
def spinner():
    output: ans : Float
    #Write your code here
    #Assign the probability value to the variable ans
    # Round off to 2 decimal places
    # P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B)  //For Mutually Exclusive
    P_Seoul = 1/4
    P_Paris = 1/4
    after_spinning = P_Seoul + P_Paris
    ans= round(after_spinning, 2)
    return ans

if __name__=='__main__':

Lab 7: Welcome to Probability and Statistics -7 Poisson - Hands-on



from scipy import stats
def accident():
    output: ans : Float

    """ Task: 
    On New Year's Eve, the probability of a person having a car
    accident is 0.09. The probability of a person driving while
    intoxicated is 0.32 and the probability of a person having a car
    accident while intoxicated is 0.15.

    What is the probability of a person driving while intoxicated or
    having a car accident?

    # Write your code here

    # P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) – P( A∩B)
    probability_Accident = 0.09         # 1. P(accident) = 0.09
    probability_intoxicated = 0.32      # 2. P(intoxicated) = 0.32
    probability_accident_and_intoxicated = 0.15 # 3. P(accident and intoxicated) = 0.15

    ans = probability_Accident+ probability_intoxicated - probability_accident_and_intoxicated
    #Assign the probability value to the variable ans. Round off to 2 decimal places
    return round(ans, 2)

if __name__=='__main__':

Lab 8: Welcome to Probability and Statistics -8

Chi-squared Test - Hands-on


from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
from scipy.stats import chi2

def chi_test():
    1. stat: Float
    2. dof : Integer
    3. p_val: Float
    4. res: String
    # Task 1 :
    # Declare a 2D array with the values mentioned in the contingency table of marital status by education.
    material_status = [[18,36,21,9,6], [12,36,45,36,21], [6,9,9,3,3], [3,9,9,6,3]]
    # Task 2: Calculate the values of the following:
    # Chi-Square Statistic
    # Degree of Freedom
    # P value
    stat,p_val, dof, res = chi2_contingency(material_status)
    # print( chi2_contingency(arr))
    # Task 3: Assume the alpha value to be 0.05
    prob_success = 0.95
    alpha_error  = 1.0 - prob_success # 0.05
    critical = chi2.ppf(prob_success, dof)
    # print(critical)
    # Task 4 : Compare the P value with alpha and decide whether or not to reject the null hypothesis.
    # If Rejected assign the string "Reject the Null Hypothesis" to res variable
    # Else assign the string "Failed to reject the Null Hypothesis" to res variable
    # Hint: Use chi2_contingency() of scipy package.
    if p_val <= alpha_error:
        res='Reject the Null Hypothesis'
        res = 'Failed to reject the Null Hypothesis'
    #Note 5: Round off the Float values to 2 decimal places.
    stat = round(stat,2)
    dof = round(dof,2)
    p_val = round(p_val,2)
    return stat,dof,p_val,res    

if __name__=='__main__':

Lab 1: Welcome to Probability and Statistics -1

Probability and Statistics -1


import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import statistics

def measures(arr):
    sample = arr
    #Write your code here
    Input: arr : numpy array
    Return : mean,median,std_deviation,variance,mode,iqr  : float
    1. Assign the values to designated variables
    2. Round off to 2 decimal places
    # Task 1:
    # Calculate Mean value for the given parameter 'data'.
    mean = np.mean(sample)
    # Task 2:
    # Calculate Median value for the given parameter 'data'.
    median = np.median(sample)
    # Task 3:
    # Calculate Mode value for the given parameter 'data'.
    mode = statistics.mode(sample)
    # Task 4:
    # Calcuate 25th and 75th percentile value for given parameter `data` and return as a numpy array.
    variance = statistics.variance(sample)
    # Task 5:
    # Calcuate Inter quartile range value for given parameter `data`
    iqr = stats.iqr(sample, interpolation='lower')

    std_deviation= statistics.stdev(sample)
    return mean,median,std_deviation,variance,mode,iqr  

if __name__=='__main__':
    for i in range(n):

About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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