LAB 1: Welcome to Hands On - JUnit
JUnit - Hands-On
// FileName: SolutionTest.java
package com.tcs.fresco;
import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
public class SolutionTest extends TestCase{
Map<Integer, String> customerTag = null;
int custId = 0;
String userName = "";
Solution solution = new Solution();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
custId = 10511;
userName = "India";
customerTag = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
//Write your test cases here // testPositiveCase testPositiveCase
public void testPositiveCase(){
// String
solution.saveCustomer(this.custId, this.userName);
public void testNegativeCase(){
solution.saveCustomer(this.custId, this.userName);
public void test() {
assertTrue( true );
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
//fileName: Solution.java
package com.tcs.fresco;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Solution {
public Map<Integer, String> customerTag = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
public void saveCustomer(int custId, String custName) {
customerTag.put(custId, custName);
public boolean isCustomerExist(String customerName) {
boolean isExist = customerTag.containsValue(customerName);
return isExist;
LAB 2: Welcome to Hands-On-Mockito
Hands-on Mockito
package com.tcs.fresco;
// Task 1: Write static mocks for Assert and Mockito classes. -Q1
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
public class UserAuthenticatorTest {
UserAuthenticator authenticator = new UserAuthenticator();
public static UserAuthenticatorInterface authenticatorMock;
public static void setUp() {
//Task 2: Create mock object using static mock configuration -Q2
//Write your code here
authenticatorMock = mock(UserAuthenticatorInterface.class);
public void setUpAuthenticator() {
// Task 3: Complete the test case with the expected exception -Q3
// Write your code here
@Test(expected = FailedToAuthenticateException.class)
public void testAuthenticate_InvalidCredentials() throws FailedToAuthenticateException {
String username = "User1";
String password = "wrong password";
String errorMessage = "Invalid credentials .Authentication Failed";
// Task 4: Throw exception using doThrow...when configuration - Q4
// Write your code here
doThrow(new FailedToAuthenticateException(errorMessage)).when(authenticatorMock).authenticateUser("User1", "wrong password");
authenticator.authenticateUser(username, password);
public void testAuthenticate_ValidCredentials() throws FailedToAuthenticateException {
String username = "User1";
String password = "Password";
// Task 5: Configure Returning True with when...thenReturn configuration on mock Object - Q5
//Write your code here
when(authenticatorMock.authenticateUser(username, password)).thenReturn(true);
assertTrue(authenticator.authenticateUser(username, password));
@Test(expected = FailedToAuthenticateException.class)
public void testAuthenticate_EmptyCredentials() throws FailedToAuthenticateException {
String username = "";
String password = "";
String errorMessage = "Credentials cannot be empty";
// Task 6: Configure Throwing exception using when...thenThrow configuration on mock Object - Q6
//Write your code here
when(authenticatorMock.authenticateUser(username, password)).thenThrow(new FailedToAuthenticateException(errorMessage));
authenticator.authenticateUser(username, password);
public void dummytest() {
assertEquals(1, 1);
LAB 3: Welcome to MockMvc Hands-On
MockMvc: Hands-on
Solution: Just run and Pass
This handson will be cleared automatically, just run the test-case and submit.
However, if you have tried writing code in this handson and facing any difficulty then you can share your errors in comments.
LAB 4: Welcome to Hands-On-JaCoCo, Configure JaCoCo with Maven.
JUnit - JaCoCo: Hands-on
This handson will be cleared automatically, just run the test-case and submit.
However, if you have tried writing code in this handson and facing any difficulty then you can share your errors in comments.
LAB 5: Welcome to Hands-On-FindBugs
FindBugs: Hands-on
This handson will be cleared automatically, just run the test-case and submit.
However, if you have tried writing code in this handson and facing any difficulty then you can share your errors in comments.
LAB 6: Welcome to Hands-On-Checkstyle
Checkstyle: Hands-on
This handson will be cleared automatically, just run the test-case and submit.
However, if you have tried writing code in this handson and facing any difficulty then you can share your errors in comments.