Mini-Project for Data Scientist - Statistical Inference Use-case 4 Fresco Play Hands on Solution Hacker Rank

Learn how to implement Statistical Inference concepts in Python using Scipy Stats module. Normal Distribution, event Draws, Random selection etc.

Turing Machine Data Scientist Program: Use-case 4
Statistical Inference - Mini Project

# Compulsory to run below code

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts
import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

Question 1: Suppose a variable X has a bell-shaped distribution with a mean of 150 and a standard deviation of 20.

Solution 1: Suppose a variable X has a bell-shaped distribution with a mean of 150 and a standard deviation of 20.

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

#Task 1:
# Suppose a variable X has a bell-shaped distribution with a mean of 150 and a standard deviation of 20.
# a. What percentage of X values lies between 130 and 170?
# b. What percentage of X values lies between 110 and 190?
# c. What percentage of X values lies above 190?

mean= 150
lies_Lower= [130,110]
lies_Upper= [170,190]
lies_Lower_percent = [sts.norm.cdf(i, loc=mean, scale=std_dev) for i in lies_Lower]
lies_Upper_percent = [sts.norm.cdf(i, loc=mean, scale=std_dev) for i in lies_Upper]

percentage =   [ (lies_Upper_percent[i]-lies_Lower_percent[i]) * 100 for i in range(len(lies_Lower_percent))]

cdf_190 = sts.norm.cdf(190, loc=mean, scale=std_dev)  
percentage_above_190 = (1 - cdf_190) * 100


### Assign your answers here
a_1 = math.floor(round(percentage[0],2))
b_1 =   math.floor(round(percentage[1],2))
c_1 =round(percentage_above_190,2)

### For evalution
ans_1 = {"a_1":math.floor(a_1),
         "b_1": (b_1),
         "c_1" : c_1}
quiz.eval(1, ans_1)

Question 2: Variable X has a mean of 15 and a standard deviation of 2

Solution 2: Variable X has a mean of 15 and a standard deviation of 2

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

# Task2: Variable X has a mean of 15 and a standard deviation of 2.
# a. What percentage of X values will lie within 1.5 standard deviation of the mean?
# b. What is the minimum percentage of X values that lie between 8 and 17?

mean= 15

z_upper = 1.5
z_lower = -1.5

# Compute cumulative probabilities
prob_upper = sts.norm.cdf(z_upper)
prob_lower = sts.norm.cdf(z_lower)

# a. Percentage within 1.5 standard deviations
a = round((prob_upper - prob_lower) * 100, 2)

# b. Minimum percentage of X values between 8 and 17 using the normal distribution

prob_8 = sts.norm.cdf((8 - mean) / std_dev) # Z-score for 8
prob_17 = sts.norm.cdf((17 - mean) / std_dev)  # Z-score for 17

# Maximum percentage between 8 and 17
b =round((prob_17 - prob_8) * 100, 2)

print(a, b)

### Assign your answers here
a_2 = a
b_2 = b

### For evalution
ans_2 = {"a_2":a_2, "b_2": b_2}
quiz.eval(2, ans_2)

Question 3: What is the 25 percentile of the below samples

Solution 3: What is the 25 percentile of the below samples

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

# Task 3: What is the 25 percentile of the below samples
# [3.09, 2.48, 2.02, 2.98, 3.53, 2.41, 2.01, 2.95, 2.63, 3.09, 3.26, 2.04, 3.74, 2.99, 2.34, 2.77, 3.05, 3.29, 3.14, 3.17]

samples= [3.09, 2.48, 2.02, 2.98, 3.53, 2.41, 2.01, 2.95, 2.63, 3.09, 3.26, 2.04, 3.74, 2.99, 2.34, 2.77, 3.05, 3.29, 3.14, 3.17]
# a_3 = (stats.percentileofscore(data, 25, kind='strict')) #retuen the percentage 
a_3 = round(np.percentile(samples, 25), 2) #return the value

### Assign your answers here
data= [3.09, 2.48, 2.02, 2.98, 3.53, 2.41, 2.01, 2.95, 2.63, 3.09, 3.26, 2.04, 3.74, 2.99, 2.34, 2.77, 3.05, 3.29, 3.14, 3.17]
a_3 = a_3

###For evaluation
ans_3 = {"a_3": a_3}
quiz.eval(3, ans_3)

Question 4: Suppose a marble is randomly selected from a jar containing 12 red, 4 black, and 8 blue marbles. Find the probability of the following.

Solution 4: Suppose a marble is randomly selected from a jar containing 12 red, 4 black, and 8 blue marbles. Find the probability of the following.

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

# Task 4: Suppose a marble is randomly selected from a jar containing 12 red, 4 black, and 8 blue marbles. Find the probability of the following:
# a. The marble is red or black
# b. The marble is black or blue
# c. The marble is not blue
# d. The marble is red or not blue

red   = 12
black = 4
blue  = 8
total_marbles = sum([red , black , blue])

#Probability of red or black
prob_red_or_black = round((red + black) / total_marbles, 2)

#Probability of black or blue
prob_black_or_blue = round((black + blue) / total_marbles, 2)

#Probability of not blue
prob_not_blue = round((red + black) / total_marbles, 2)

#Probability of red or not blue
prob_red_or_not_blue = round((red + black) / total_marbles, 2)

### Assign your answers here
a_4 = prob_red_or_black
b_4 = prob_black_or_blue
c_4 = prob_not_blue
d_4 = prob_red_or_not_blue

### For evalution
ans_4 = {"a_4":a_4, "b_4": b_4, "c_4" : c_4, "d_4": d_4}
quiz.eval(4, ans_4)

Question 5: Let A and B be events with P(A) = 0.2, P(B) = 0.8, and P(A ∩ B) = 0.1 Find the following-

Solution 5: Let A and B be events with P(A) = 0.2, P(B) = 0.8, and P(A ∩ B) = 0.1 Find the following-

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

# Task 5: Let A and B be events with P(A) = 0.2, P(B) = 0.8, and P(A ∩ B) = 0.1 Find the following
# a.  𝑃(𝐵¯)
# b.  𝑃(𝐴¯∩𝐵¯)
# c.  𝑃(𝐵¯ | 𝐴)
# d.  𝑃(𝐴¯∩𝐵)

# Events A and B with given probabilities
P_A = 0.2
P_B = 0.8
P_A_and_B = 0.1

# P(B')
P_B_complement = round(1 - P_B ,2)

# P(A' ∩ B')
P_A_complement_and_B_complement = round(1 - (P_A + P_B - P_A_and_B) , 2)

# P(B' | A)
P_B_complement_given_A = round((P_A - P_A_and_B) / P_A  , 2)

# P(A' ∩ B)
P_A_complement_and_B = round(P_B - P_A_and_B,2)

print( {P_A_complement_and_B_complement})
print( {P_B_complement_given_A})
print( {P_A_complement_and_B})

### Assign your answers here
a_5 = P_B_complement
b_5 = P_A_complement_and_B_complement
c_5 = P_B_complement_given_A
d_5 = P_A_complement_and_B

### For evalution
ans_5 = {"a_5":a_5, "b_5": b_5, "c_5" : c_5, "d_5": d_5}

quiz.eval(5, ans_5)

Question 6: Given a sample of size n = 60 taken from a continuous population distribution with mean 56 and standard deviation 25, find the variance of the sample mean.

Solution 6: Given a sample of size n = 60 taken from a continuous population distribution with mean 56 and standard deviation 25, find the variance of the sample mean.

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

#Task 6: Given a sample of size n = 60 taken from a continuous population distribution with mean 56 and standard deviation 25, find the variance of the sample mean.

population_variance = 25**2  # Standard deviation squared
sample_size = 60
ans_6 = round(population_variance/sample_size, 2)

### Assign your answers here
variance = ans_6

### For evalution
ans_6 = {"variance": variance}
quiz.eval(6, ans_6)

Question 7: 55% of all engineering students prefer internship over final year project. Suppose 12 students are randomly selected and the number in favor of internship is recorded. Find the following:

Solution 7: 55% of all engineering students prefer internship over final year project. Suppose 12 students are randomly selected and the number in favor of internship is recorded. Find the following:

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

# Task 7: 55% of all engineering students prefer internship over final year project. Suppose 12 students are randomly selected and the number in favor of internship is recorded. # Find the following:
# a. The probability that exactly seven of them choose internship.
# b. The probability that at most eight of them choose internship.
# c. The probability that at least five of them choose internship.
# d. The probability that at least seven, but no more than 10, choose internship.

n_students = 12   
p_internship = 0.55  # 

# The probability that exactly seven of them choose internship
prob_exactly_7 = round(sts.binom.pmf(7, n_students, p_internship), 2)

# The probability that at most eight of them choose internship
prob_at_most_8 = round(sts.binom.cdf(8, n_students, p_internship), 2)

# The probability that at least five of them choose internship
prob_at_least_5 = round(1 - sts.binom.cdf(4, n_students, p_internship),2)

# The probability that at least seven, but no more than 10, choose internship
prob_at_least_7_and_at_most_10 = round(sts.binom.cdf(10, n_students, p_internship) - sts.binom.cdf(6, n_students, p_internship),2)

print( {prob_at_least_5})

### Assign your answers here
a_7 = prob_exactly_7
b_7 = prob_at_most_8
c_7 = prob_at_least_5
d_7 = prob_at_least_7_and_at_most_10

### For evalution
ans_7 = {"a_7":a_7, "b_7": b_7, "c_7" : c_7, "d_7": d_7}

quiz.eval(7, ans_7)

Question 8: Suppose the population variable X is N(3, 0.3) and n = 20. How large an interval must be chosen so that the probability is 0.95 that the sample mean 𝑋¯ lies within ±a units of the population mean μ?

Solution 8: Suppose the population variable X is N(3, 0.3) and n = 20. How large an interval must be chosen so that the probability is 0.95 that the sample mean 𝑋¯ lies within ±a units of the population mean μ?

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

# Task 8: Suppose the population variable X is N(3, 0.3) and n = 20. How large an interval must be chosen so that the probability is 0.95 that the sample mean  𝑋¯ lies within ±a units of the population mean μ?

# Parameters for Normal Distribution
mu = 3  # Population mean
sigma = 0.3  # Population standard deviation
alpha = 0.95  # Total confidence level

# interval where the sample mean lies within ± 𝑎  units around the population mean μ with 95% confidence.
a, b = sts.norm.interval(alpha=0.475, loc=mu, scale=sigma)

# Calculate the width of the interval
width = round(b - a, 2)

### Assign your answers here
interval = width

### For evalution
ans_8 = {"interval":np.around(interval, 1)}
quiz.eval(8, ans_8)

Question 9: A random variable X is N(25, 4). Find the indicated percentile for X:-

Solution 9: A random variable X is N(25, 4). Find the indicated percentile for X:-

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.stats as sts

import dill

Quiz = dill.load(open("QuizClass.pik", 'rb'))
quiz = dill.load(open('Quiz.pik', 'rb'))

# Task 9: A random variable X is N(25, 4). Find the indicated percentile for X:
# a. The 10th percentile
# b. The 90th percentile
# c. The 80th percentile
# d. The 50th percentile


About the author

D Shwari
I'm a professor at National University's Department of Computer Science. My main streams are data science and data analysis. Project management for many computer science-related sectors. Next working project on Al with deep Learning.....

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